Chapter 12: Preparing For Things To Come

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The room spoke in unison sharing a collective gasp, when Seth's body crashed through the table.

"He hit the young master!" One of the maids spouted in absolute shock.

Sarah's pupil's remained still as she watched everything unfold. Her mouth was wide but no words came out. It was the first time she had ever seen anyone lay a finger on Seth since they were children.

Ren's fist slowly began to cool down, the sounds of the air crackling from the intense heat dwindled. The scarlet flames around his hand faded, and were replaced with a thick black smoke "Don't you dare speak about my sister!"

Ren spoke in a low tone, he wasn't outwardly yelling but his voice was far from calm.

"How dare you"

Seth's entire arm shook as he placed it down in an attempt to get back up. The side of his face had a large red indent, and looked as if it were melting.

"Oh my god Seth!" Sarah cried "Are you alright your face is-"

"Shut the hell up Sarah!" He screamed swatting his hand at her and raising it back up to touch the side of his face once more.

"Physical attack's normally don't hurt me due to the nature of my abilities."

"But to think that of all people who are capable of harming would be by the hands of a degenerate like you."

His face continued try to reforge itself by going into a red liquid state. When doing this Seth winced and let out a small gasp of pain "I can't do it...his flames melted the metal" he thought to himself.

"What's wrong Seth, perhaps getting decked was the thing you needed to wipe that dumb smirk off of your face." Ren's eyes slanted and the boy stances up once again. His form was offensive and resembled that of Erica's placing his left hand forward and his right one at his side.

"I'll make sure to even it out though by hitting you just as hard on the opposite side."

Seth's left arm began to move oddly, it increased in length before losing its form and transforming into a silver liquid.

Seth Vermillion (Ability) Liquid Metal: Seth is able to change the property of his body to that of liquid metal. He can stretch his arms and even harden them at will, but that means he also has the same weaknesses of normal metal.

His arm shot forward like a jet of water, and Ren quickly lifted up his arms blocking the attack but the weight of the blow still sent him flying into the wall.

"ERGH AHHHH!" Ren let out a painful scream as he lifted up his sleeves to reveal the parts of his arms that blocked the attack were now bruised and pulsating.

"I think that's enough" the mayor stepped forward examining the entire area before letting out a disappointed sigh.

"It's clear as day that there is some bad blood between you two, and I do understand that sometimes the only way to settle things is by fighting. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to willingly let the two of you destroy the home that has belonged to my family for generations!" He shouted.

"Seth you are son of the great Vermillion Family I expected you to act better in front of our guest."

He then pointed to Ren "And you...."

"You got spunk, I like you."

As those words left the Mayor's mouth Ren's face dropped and everyone else's did the same "Huh?!"

"You have the fighting spirit of a true hero, and I have to admit I can't help but admire that. But like I said with Seth I cannot allow this fight to continue any further in my home."

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