Chapter 125: Shared Scars

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"Renji..." Suzume gave Ren a look as fragile as glass. Just like when Ren saved her for the first time, and every time Suzume had watched him since. For a moment Suzume reached out for him wanting to hold him the same way they usually done. She wanted to felt his warmth just like before like a blanket of security. But something within told her to stop and back away instead.

There last conversation didn't end on the best of terms. With Suzume leaving Ren in a moment he needed her most. Disregarding her role as his sword. Instead of grabbing him Suzume placed her hand onto her opposing arm, lowering her gaze to avoid his alluring moonlight eyes.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know Dustin and Olivia are looking for you?" Suzume held her breath for a moment after saying that only to be consumed by his awakening gaze. Ren only turned to her saying nothing and allowing the moonlight to speak for him.

Ren's scarlet eyes glimmered illuminating the room in a red glow. Just seeing this made Suzume's heart skip a beat. Even though it had only been a few days Ren seemed so different. His aura, his demeanor. Everything just felt different to her, and Suzume couldn't help but be drawn to it.

Ren entered from the windowsill abandoning his position occupying it. "Yeah I know. I saw them when I climbed up." Ren admitted with a sorrowful look.

"Then why didn't you go see them?" Suzume asked, shielding her voice. "Dustin's really worried about you." Ren lowered his head a bit bothered, thinking over what he said to Dustin and being reminded of how much of a wedge he created with his words. "I can't. I can't see Dustin..." Ren's eyes grew more heavy as if the moon itself were weighing them down "At least not as I am now."

Suzume felt a small change in the air. Ren's once overwhelming presence suddenly felt small and weak as if being devoured by guilt. Suzume's expression softened further like a pile of fresh snow.

She didn't know what Ren meant, what exactly he was referring to when he said "As he is now." But at the moment Suzume didn't really care. All she knew was that he was in pain, and it was her job as his his girlfriend to relieve it.

Finally Suzume raised her head walking towards Ren with a slight grace to her step. "Come, if you continue to stand by the window like that you'll catch cold." Suzume stopped in front of him and offered her hand "Its been a bit, lets talk." Suzume suggested offering her own moonlit smile.

Ren stared at Suzume for a moment, a bit thrown off by her sudden offer. But he wasn't one to reject her advancement. Ren took her hand with a dim smile "Yeah, I'd like that."


Ren looked around cautiously after accepting Suzume's offer. It hadn't been long since he had been to the Fumiko home. Only about 2 weeks or so, but even though it hadn't been long Ren couldn't forget his last experience at the residence.

"Where is Sayuri?" Ren asked finally breaking his silence. Suzume fumbled around in the kitchen for a bit before responding with a teasing smile "Why? Are you scared she's gonna bite you again?" Ren brushed off the comment playing it off cool "Pfft...of course not. I was just wondering...for your sake." Ren dotted drawing his eyes from Suzume to hide his uneasiness.

Suzume kept her smile seeing through his bullshit "Well if you must know, my Mother left to run some errands (do a hired job) so you don't have to worry about her popping in like the last time." Ren still unable to shake his unease sat at the table with a cautious frown "You sure? You seemed pretty confident last time until she popped in."

Suzume shrugged cleaning out a teacup in the meantime "I can assure you, that she won't be coming back tonight. Besides even if she does, she won't say anything to you."

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