Chapter 132: Mentors

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Natsumi glanced over at the sound of the door closing noticing a dim look cross Arthur's face. "You're looking kinda pale did something happen?" Natsumi asked focusing even more on Arthur's tense frown.

Arthur paced back and forth debating whether or not he even wanted to take a seat or storm out. "This isn't good. This isn't good." Arthur mumbled now biting his fingers as his thoughts spun in turmoil "Was he planning this? Surely he must have expected something like this to happen..."

"Stop moving so fucking much you're making me dizzy!" Natsumi suddenly snapped. Natsumi then gestured to her side "Come here, tell me what's going on." Seeing Arthur like this somehow reminded her of Ren, how freaked out he'd get whenever things went wrong. Jack occasionally would also sport a similar expression whenever things didn't go as planned. "It must be a boy thing..." Natsumi thought softening her gaze.

Arthur stood there quiet still a bit hesitant to even join her. "If it's as bad as they claim it to be then do I really have time to waste like this?" Arthur's thoughts continued to dance in his mind like billowing leaves"I need to head over there seems like Nyssa is far too dangerous to be left alone." Arthur then bit his lip in irritation "But even if I personally watch over her it's not like I can go around dragging her along." Arthur looked back at Natsumi quickly noticing her loving smile wither in irritation.

Arthur's reluctance to join her was clearly taking it's toll. "Arthur..." Natsumi called once more acting as another reminder to join her on the couch. Like before Arthur's face grew tense immediately being reminded of how Ren looked during their brief meeting. "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..." Arthur knew if Natsumi was anything like her brother she was bound to have a short temper "It would probably be for the best not to make this bloody woman mad..."

Eventually Arthur sighed abandoning his lingering thoughts "For fucks sake. I swear things can't get any worse." Ignoring his previous worries Arthur joined Natsumi on the couch taking another massive swig of alcohol bringing Natsumi to wince. "Don't you think you've had enough?"

Arthur let out a gross gasp as he placed his cup back on the table "Relax love, just need a little more to numb the nerves. Besides I'm not even plastered yet." Soon Arthur reached out for the bottle of ale only to have his hand smacked away by Natsumi. "Ow bloody hell, what you gone do that for?" Arthur complained holding his now red hand.

"The fucks wrong with you?" Natsumi snapped "You're all over the place. First you're all nervous and shit, and now you're trying to drink yourself to death." she peeved "If there is a fucking problem just tell me." Natsumi's nostrils flared like a raging bull as she waited for her answer.

But unfortunately that answer didn't come quick enough Arthur sunk his head and placed his hand over his face as he tried to compile his thoughts. But Natsumi's short temper wasn't having it "Wot? You gunna cry mate?" Natsumi spat intentionally mimicking his accent. "You mad I took your bloody alcohol? Well too bad I can't have ya being sloshed when we still got shit to do."

"I am not going to cry." Arthur groaned trying his best to get Natsumi's terrible impression out of his head. "I am not going to cry." Natsumi tilted her head mimicking him while still carrying her Wolfe-like ferocity "Really cause it sure as hell don't look like it. If I was a betting woman I'd say you were gonna burst into tears like a bloody child."

Arthur pinched his nose in irritation "Stop talking like that...I don't even sound like that!"

"Wot you don't like it?" Natsumi teased trying her best to hide her Wolfe-like smile. "I sound just like you mate." Arthur took a deep breath before turning to her ready to scream but then noticed her swelled face. "...?" The two stared at each other for a few seconds before simultaneously exploding in laughter. Sharing a laugh that seemed to last for ages.

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