Chapter 50: Judas Heart

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It's been a few days since then...

Ren's head sunk lower as a sorrowful sound rang deep within his ears. The light sniffling of a woman, who had everything shatter before them.

It was horrid sound, and definitely not one he was willing to hear again.

"It's for the best."

These were the words that Ren would tell himself from time to time. Almost like a mechanism to justify the pain he caused, thus making himself feel better in the process.

Ren's scarlet eyes seemed to darken in this moment, becoming a few shades darker than the way they normally were.

Similar to blood

His line of sight began to alter as he watched random groups of students enter the classroom. Some would come in pairs, others in slightly larger groups, and occasionally someone would enter in alone.

One of those instances was with Suzume, she waltzed into the classroom the way she had normally done.

Silent steps with a quite stare, even now she hadn't changed much since he first laid his eyes upon her. She walked between the rows of desk only to find herself sharing a glance with him.

Her eyes seemed heavy, having the outermost parts tainted with lines of red. She looked as though she had been crying for an entirety.

Ren stared at her back with eyes of darkness, he felt off by the situation, not because he felt bad. But because he didn't feel anything at all.

The vacant nature of his heart was a disturbing one, but something he had felt before, even if it was to a much smaller degree.

"I really am becoming a monster aren't I..."

His brows furrowed as he began to become emersed within his inner thoughts, both the dark ones and lighthearted ones alike.

However before he could further ponder on everything he heard a light tap bounce against his desk.

His dark demeanor immediately changed, as he felt himself become emersed by the light. It was an odd sensation but even now he felt his heart at ease.

That light was Suzume...

Ren's eyes widened at the sight of her, even though he had taken his eyes off of her for only a moment he didn't expect her to approach him.

Especially after what he had done.

He didn't speak instead lowered his head and looked away solemnly unable to bring himself to face her.

Although is attempt failed as she simply kneeled over and kissed his forehead.

His eyes widened once more as a questionable expression overtook his face. He didn't smile, although internally he did feel a bit happy.

"What are you-" before he could finish his sentence he felt the length of her finger press against his lips.


Her voice was soft, and her way of hushing was subtle. She still had red markings around her eyes, that resembled scars that would take an entirnity to fade away.

Despite that however she still smiled, as if she had forsaken her sadness, in hope for hapiness that would soon cure it.

The way her eyes looked formed a thousand words, the gentleness that they held, the ferocity that would simmer beneath them, and the rays of joy that they brought forth.

"I'm not going to let you get away from me that easily."

"Suzume you don't..." once again she interrupted him by pressing her finger harder against his lips. Causing his voice to become nothing more than a muffled sound.

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