Chapter 98: Brothers

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"Am I interrupting anything?" It was a foolish question considering the answer was laid out right in front of him. Dustin looked on with a plain stare witnessing the long awaited unison of Ren and Suzume end unfinished.

"Not at all..." Ren's voice waned slightly, becoming fatigued.

"Oh?" Dustin looked over to Suzume with a small smirk "I have my doubts..."

Suzume's complexion deepened "How embarrassing..." with each passing moment Suzume could feel her body growing hotter, and unfortunately it wasn't because of her longing for Ren. But embarrassment. The flames of embarrassment were causing Suzume's body to burn hot, forcing her skin to become red and sweat profusely.

Suzume once again shared a look with Dustin now viewing him in a different light. A darker one, with a simple stare Dustin could read everything about the situation, and immediately tell how Suzume felt.

The anger. The discomfort, but most of all the lust.

Suzume's lust for Ren in that brief moment was so strong it was conjuring up a smell. A bitter one, but womanly nonetheless.

"It seems like Suzume might be just as bad as the both of us." Dustin spoke under his breath, while giving her a taunting stare.

"Don't say that..."

Suzume's mind remained brittle falling victim to Dustin's playful mind games. She didn't like the idea of being thought of as a pervert. After all she wasn't one. Unlike Dustin who drooled over every woman he saw, or Ren who's perverted nature was a bit more subtle. Suzume truly believed she wasn't like that.

"You might be right."

"HUH?" Confusion was now visible on Suzume's face and quickly she shot Ren a sinful glare "I am not a pervert!" she claimed now shouting at Ren.

Both Ren and Dustin drew blank expressions. Both seeing through her innocent facade, Suzume was definitely just as bad as the both of them if not worse.

"Bullshit." Ren and Dustin both said simultaneously.

"What? How? I am not a filthy pig like you." Suzume spat referring to Dustin.

"Hah yeah okay." Dustin churned "I'm the pig." It was clear to see Dustin was a bit peeved by the comment. Suzume always called Dustin a pig, so Ren was a bit surprised to see that now of all times the insult bothered him. "Better than those daydreams you have in class."

"Daydreams?" Ren repeated. He recalled Suzume daydreaming a lot, although he never knew what about. Ren assumed she was just spacing out like anyone else.

Suzume's eyes widened, while the reddening of her skin quickly vanished. "Dustin..." She growled. The look on Suzume's face was a bit different than the last ones, now looking a bit more of a mixture of emotions rather than being overpowered by just one. The embarrassment she had was still prevalent, but a look of dread was soon seeping in.

"What? You don't want him to hear about your little perverted fantasies?" Dustin chimed "Well too bad I am tired of being mocked by you." Dustin soon turned away, averting his eyes from Suzume's growing wrath.

"So a couple days ago in Math Suzume got in trouble for daydreaming again. Not that Mrs. Lin really cares when students doze off, but since Suzume was talking Mrs. Lin found it distracting."

Suzume's face darkened, while her aura began to spill out.

Dustin smiled and raised his finger continuing his story "So Mrs. Lin confronted Suzume in front of the entire class." Dustin began to laugh "But the best part is that Suzume was still not all the way there, so she ended up saying..."

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