Chapter 114: A Meeting With A Devil

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"Ikumi The Viper." Irene felt the words burn onto her tongue like magma. There was something strange about this woman. Just standing in front of her made Irene's body burn with dark desires.

But those dark desires were nothing in the face of this woman.

From the very moment they crossed paths Irene could sense it. A strange feeling Irene felt from no one else. From the very moment their eyes met Irene could smell it. Hands that were stained with blood. From the very moment they spoke Irene felt it. A darkness that was present within them.

A darkness within Ikumi that had existed for a long time.

And a darkness within Irene that was just beginning to develop.

Irene placed her hand on her stomach feeling it turn and wail making her feel even more uneasy. Ikumi's eyes danced burning with a deep vigor that seemed limitless. Which only made Irene feel more uneasy and more fatigued.

"It's crying."

Irene's flattened at Ikumi's words before looking at Ikumi in a slight daze. "What's crying?" the vagueness of Ikumi's words left Irene a bit lost, seeking answers she wasn't ready to hear.

Ikumi wore her signature smile, a smile as dark as night but shined as bright as the light cast by the moon. Ikumi slowly raised her hand pointing her red nails at Irene's stomach "It is crying. Your womb, its mourning." Ikumi's thick accent billowed through the air like a knife, slashing its way into Irene's mind.

Irene kept her puzzled stare before placing her hand on her stomach once more sensing nothing. Her stomach was in slight pain, aching constantly from the lack of fuel its had to burn. But something like that was inevitable, while undergoing missions like this one especially in areas like this food a lot of the time was limited. There were times were Irene would have to go days on end without food, or receiving very little food to get her by with each passing day.

"Why would my womb be mourning?" Irene asked, but simultaneously came to an answer to her own question "Ah well I haven't eaten in a few days, so I suppose that could be why." A thin smile rolled over Irene's mouth, she patted her stomach lightly "I've gotten so used to fine cuisine that I ended up spoiling my own stomach."

Ikumi once again darkly smiled letting out a giggle leaking with amusement "No it's not that..." Ikumi's fiery eyes once again targeted Irene's stomach "Your womb is pleading, begging you give it another opportunity to nurture another life."

Irene stepped back, a comment like that wasn't what she was expecting. "Another life? Like a baby?" Irene awkwardly laughed. Irene for a moment envisioned Natsumi, and then envisioned Kazuto causing her stomach to churn even more. "No definitely not."

"But it's true." Ikumi leaned forward stepping out of her seat "You're destined to give birth to another, the child of the Moon and the Sun." after hearing this Irene fell silent, once again remembering the visions from before. While transitioning into the past to show Michael the beginnings to her path of heroism, Irene did receive a glimpse of the past, present, and future. While momentarily looking into the future Irene did recall seeing a child, a child with blue hair cradled in her arms.

At the time the thought of having another child with Kazuto made Irene sick. It would mean putting her body through the same torture as it did all those years ago. To feel herself be forced open and defiled with no say in the matter, and to have the only thing on her conscious that this child could end up protecting the world from whats to come.

Irene's eyes darkened at the thought. She knew back then, and she knew now that if she wanted to she could have easily killed Kazuto. Easily forced him to stop all together, but at the same time she didn't want to risk throwing the world into chaos when she could played a role in preventing it.

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