Chapter 60: The Jewel Of The World

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"From this time forth, my sword shall be with you and our fates shall be intertwined."


Arthur's ragged breaths dragged throughout the room, as he looked up with a troubled gaze.

"Eat me?" Arthur let out a labored gasp as he thought about Void's words. Not only were they odd, but many of the circumstances revolving around the situation made his head spin.

"Why does he want to eat me, and what is this energy flowing out of me?" There were a multitude of questions that plagued Arthur's mind but the one that puzzled him the most was...

"How is he still alive?"

Arthur's heavy breathing continued as his grip tightened around his blade. "I am certain I cut off his head earlier..." Arthur began to dance within his thoughts, as the entire situation replayed in his head.

He gave Ryota a silent stare before remembering something else, the words Ryota shouted before he attacked him.

Hurry up and reattach it you idiot

"Yes of course" Arthur altered his stance, raising up Excalibur once more putting it in a readying position. "His survival must be related to his abilities..." His eyes narrowed as he refocused his attention on the green smoke flowing from his own mouth. "This probably has something to do with that as well."

"I need to end this quick." Without wasting another second Arthur flew forward drawing his sword back to perform an overhead slash.


Sparks shot upwards as the clanging of metal erupt in the room.

Ryota stood silently with his blades drawn, the collision of both attacks forced the both of them back, but as if it were second nature they were both drawn into the fight once more.

Gleams of sweat poured from Arthur's face as he struck upon Ryota like a relentless storm causing Excalibur to look nothing more than streaks of light.

"He really is trying to end this." Ryota thought as he parried the blows with just as much ferocity.

Arthur made a pained face, as the symphony of steel grated their ears.

Ryota came at him with a whirlwind of blows forcing him back.

Arthur let out a small grunt as he found himself being pushed back but Ryota's never ending assault.


The sounds of clashing echoed


The sounds were beginning to rattle his bones


With the third slash Arthur bit down on his lip as a surge of energy resonated through him.

"Finally an opening!" Arthur swung Excalibur once more to deliver a fatal blow to Ryota's side.

But to his surprise Ryota managed to avoid this.

Ryota stepped to the side arching his back in a way not even humanly possible, Arthur's mouth fell open completely dumbfounded by what he was seeing. But before he could react fast enough to properly defend himself Ryota had already planned his next attack.

His slashes came at him like a pair of snake fangs , cutting upwards leaving a large gash that split his left eyebrow.

Even though his eye was left undamaged the amount of blood pouring from the wound left him partially blind.

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