Chapter 23: The Idealistic Future

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"Stand up Seth so I can kick your ass to the ends of the Earth!"

Seth's eyelids sank as his attention became focused elsewhere. He didn't speak for a bit simply staring upwards at the massive crater in the distance.

His eyes remained passive as he stared at Marie lying unconscious in the bleachers from Suzume's diamond fist.

With a quick movement Seth stood up and quietly walked past Ren and towards the already damaged ring. His demeanor was completely calm, not expressing any extreme emotions.

Ren watched him walk by noticing the vacant look in his eyes. With a quick lunge Ren grabbed onto his wrist and held him tightly.

"Let's end this, our friends were already hurt enough because of this squabble. There is no need to finish this if you no longer have the will to fight."

"No longer have the will to fight?" Seth mumbled, his entire body slowly turned only to face Ren with vast blue eyes.

"Me standing in this ring is me showing you my will."

"But why, there is no point in fighting anymore. My team currently has a point over yours, and even if you beat me here you'll only even the score and what happens next will solely depend on the referee."

Seth shook his head allowing his tightly combed hair to come lose "The reason for why I fight is something that someone like you would never understand."

"By me standing here today is me making my debut to the world. By defeating you here today I'll be one step closer to becoming the hero I wish to be."

"The hero that you wish to be?" Ren repeated unsure what to think of it.

"Tachibana tell me what is a hero to you?"

"A hero to me?" Ren was repeatedly thrown off by Seth's questions unsure why he was asking these things.

"Well I believe a good hero is someone who is capable of getting the job done and is also able to instill hope into those around him."

Seth listened to his answer and sighed "I see..."

"The type of hero you imagine is not one I wish to be"

As Seth spoke the sky began to clear shining a bright light upon him. His face remained calm and his eyes sparkled like diamonds "I wish to be a hero who will be able to bare all the pain, and to stand above those before me...that is my dream."

Ren then frowned "It sounds like you have a god complex if you ask me."

"God complex? No you couldn't be so far from the truth..."

Seth raised his hands as he spoke fluidly like a coursing river "I am a man born with power it only makes sense for me to use it. In a society built upon principles such as strength, knowledge, and power both physically and politically doesn't it only make sense that I should be the one to change this world."

"I've experienced pain, and I am fully aware of the evils of this world."

"This world needs a cleansing in more ways than one..."

"I don't follow..." Ren spike lightly.

Seth took a deep breath and spoke in a cold tone "Most of the criminal activity in this world comes from the ghettos, places were those of a lower social class live. If we remove that class of people then most of the negativity in the world will vanish alongside it."

Ren's eyes widened in complete shock from the words that Seth spoke.

"You don't-"

"Sometimes to achieve true justice one must accept necessary evils, and completely wiping the ghettos off the map is the only way I can do that."

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