Chapter 32: Dragons

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"When I was young they used to tell me stories about dragons"

"How big they were."

"How beautiful they were"

"How strong they were."

"And even that they should be feared."

Mei's feet lightly bounced against the dark ground shifting rocks with each step. Her lips were stained red with lipstick, and her scarlet eyes were as sharp as daggers.

She kneeled down raising her hand to grasp a narrow chin, brushing her fingers against its soft skin. She brought the face close to her own, so close that their lips nearly touched.

"But as I look at you now I do wonder if those stories were true."

"I do not see someone exhibiting strength, but a woman weaker than twigs."

"You do not deserve the title of a dragon, because you don't strike fear in anyone." Mei's grip loosened on Erica's badly bruised face causing it to fall against the dirt.

A she straightened her back and stood up straight, she glanced upwards at the building beside her. The window was still wide open from where Ren hopped through only a few minutes before.

"It seems like Renji has escaped" her tone seemed abstract making it difficult to gage where she stood emotionally.

"Ugh..." a vicious cough tore through Erica's mouth as she hacked up blood.

"You know I never understood you."

"Everything you've ever done, anything that you've decided, has been entirely based on your emotions. The thing that holds you back...the things that make you weak..."

Mei slowly circled Erica as she spoke, talking in a calloused but curious tone.

"Those emotions of yours is what has allowed the Hero Association to take everything from you."

"Shut up..." Erica finally raised her head glaring at Mei with her bright brown eyes.

"Your Teacher"

"Your Sissie..."

"Shut up..." Erica once again growled.

"Your Husband..."

Mei flipped her Naginata pointing it downwards and holding it in a piercing stance "And even now with your daughter."

"Yet you still stay with them, you still follow behind the ideals set by the Director and Chief, and path carved out for us by Michael."

Erica's hands slowly curled into a fist dragging in the dirt along with it. Her fingers left markings within the brown dirt from how tight her hand was "Then what about you!"

"Are you trying to tell me that killing my daughter is any better!"

Erica's face grew red as she spoke as the blood quickly rushed to her head. Her hands trembled as she tried to contain her anger only for it to eventually overflow.

"Yes that's exactly what I am trying to tell you" Mei's voice stunted for a moment as she jabbed her blade deep into the earth.

"Your daughter is dangerous Erica, blessed with the abilities inherited by her parents."

"Wings large enough to shield the sun."

"And flames hot enough to scorch the earth..."

"Yet the power that she is blessed with apparently controls her. Born with an overwhelming amount of potential, but no proper way to harness it."

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