Chapter 179: Wounds of the Heart

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It would be hours before Ren would regain consciousness from their horrific night. His body felt sore, and his mind was going in circles.

Ren held his forehead groaning quietly, but Maija quickly outdid all attempts to soothe himself.

"Goodmorning Renji, how did you sleep?" She asked, hoping for once Ren could make it through the night, feeling nothing but comfort.

"I slept..." It was strange, for once Ren didn't have any complaints. "Well?"

"No nightmares?" Maija asked.

"No nightmares." Ren happily responded.

"That's good." Maija held Ren in her lap, gently caressing his face with the softness of her hands. It was quite impressive how delicate Maija could be, considering she was a hardened warrior. But Ren didn't mind; he enjoyed seeing this side of her, compared to her rough exterior, always threatening to throw him or slap him.

"Does this mean I'm healed?" Ren asked, but deep down, he knew the answer.

"If it were that easy, post traumatic stress wouldn't be much of an issue would it?" Maija explained. "I told you before, healing takes time..."

"How much time?" Ren questioned, but once again, the answer wasn't something that could be put into words.

Ren desperately wanted to move past everything. He wanted to overcome Ikumi, and the pain she left behind. But as long as he remained haunted by her the longer it'd take to heal.

"How long until I'm healed?"

Maija weakly sighed and continued to rub Ren's face. Ren could feel her long nails running up and down his cheeks, tickling him unintentionally.

"I don't know?" Maija answered truthfully. "That's entirely dependent on you. I believe once your heart accepts the damage that has been done, only then will it heal."

"Acceptance..." He quietly murmured. Ren had felt as if he had already accepted what happened. He hated how weak he felt and despised Mei for it. But he wasn't going to run from his past any longer.

If he wanted to achieve his dreams, he had no choice but to continue walking forward.

"What about you?" Ren tilted his head upwards and gave Maija an unblinking stare.

The intense look shocked Maija at first, causing her to jump and let go of Ren. Ren's head hit the ground with a light thud, and apologetically Maija accepted him back into her lap.

"Sorry..." She thought about Ren's question and was confused by it. "What about me?"

Ren raised his hand, reaching for Maija's breast. When he touched it, Maija's body instantly shuddered.

But what Ren sought dwelled deeper than that. His gentle grab evolved into a simple point, now aiming for Maija's heart.

Ren recognized he and Maija were the same. They were wounded warriors searching for ways to heal each other's wounds. "Has the wound on your heart healed as well?"

Maija looked a bit surprised then frowned. "How did you know that I..."

"You can't hide anything from me Maija." Ren rolled out of Maija's lap and poked her forehead. "The bond we share is now deeper than blood..."

"So if you are feeling overwhelmed, or damaged. I would like to console with me as well." Ren smiled stood up. Now feeling reborn with Maija's power ar his side.

"You've already done everything you can for me as my warrior so let me do everything for you, as your king. Let me heal the wound on your heart, that swears it'll never heal."

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