Chapter 165: A Reunion of Dragons (1)

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"This is our big night the least you can do is smile." Ren noticed Seth's uneasy frown. He could hear Seth's heartbeat. Each time it beat, it sounded like a bomb was going off in his chest.

"What's wrong?" Ren soon asked. "Are crowds not your thing?"

Ren's whispers drove Seth mad. Just hearing Mei perfectly mimic Ren's voice made Seth want to tear off her head. However, Seth glanced behind him and saw Michael watching him like a hawk.

"Be cordial..." Seth reminded himself. Seth had to work with Mei for the time being, at least until Sarah had been healed. "Not really..." Seth grunted.

"Really?" Ren raised a brow. "I thought you would've been used to them by now."

"Shut the fuck up..." Those words instinctively came to Seth's head, but Seth quickly tamed his anger. "I try to avoid them when I can." Seth lied. "Ever since Sarah's injury the media hasn't exactly been kind to us..."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Ren stared at Seth sympathetically. He always had a fondness for Sarah. Whenever they spoke, she had always been lovely. "It must've been very hard for you."

"It's..." Seth was a bit stunned. Compassion wasn't a trait Seth figured Mei had, let alone exhibit while in Ren's body. Seth took a deep breath; he could feel his anger dying like a weak fire. "It's really not a big deal..."

"Oh no it is." Ren quickly abandoned his sympathetic frown, exchanging it for a smile as bright as Michael's. "God, I can't even imagine what it'd be like to be bogged down by someone so fucking weak."

Ren swatted Seth's back and watched his expression crumble. "Although, from what it sounds like you won't be shackled to her for much longer." Ren waved to the audience and posed for the cameras.

"Every second you waste here the closer Sarah gets to death." Ren hissed. "It'll only be a matter of time until death claims Sarah for his bride."

Seth's smile rusted into a stainless scowl. A blue fire ignited in Seth's eye when rage consumed his heart. Seth bit his lip to restrain himself, but the more Mei nagged him, the closer Seth came to the brink.

"Ren and Seth!" A girl shouted from the crowd. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"No, fuck you." Seth wanted to say, but he knew if he opened his mouth, those words would run free.

"Of course!" Ren grinned. He pulled Seth by the arm and drew him close. "Let's take a nice picture with the lovely lady." As Ren directed Seth towards the crowds, his face darkened. As if the night itself cast a shadow over him, Ren's face turned pitch black.

Seth saw nothing but Ren's bleeding eyes.

"Seth." Mei spoke directly to Seth's mind. In Seth's mind, Mei's voice had returned to normal, sounding soft even with her harsh accent. "Does my new appearance bring you discomfort?"

Seth thought nothing. If he told her the truth, Seth knew she'd lash out. But if Seth lied, then it was likely she may react the same. "..."

"Be honest," Mei's voice grew louder, rising to untouchable heights like a tidal wave. "I can see it in your eyes. You find me repulsive."

"Don't put words in my mouth." Seth responded coldly. "I can care less about what you have planned with Tachibana." Seth followed the girl diving deeper into the crowd. "Just leave me and Sarah out of it."

Seth stopped when the young girl did. The girl gestured for the two heroes to come closer, and they both did without hesitation. Seth smiled for the selfie, while Ren did the same. However, Ren leaned in close to Seth's ear and softly whispered.

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora