Chapter 84: Marionette

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"Yes I said I'd become a great leader..." Natsumi raised her head reflecting back on her promise to Zhu Li.

"But I also promised to make my Mother's dream come true." Natsumi muttered to herself. She gave Jacen a light look, one of initial distress before immediately disregarding it. Jacen wasn't far off in his claim, the death of Erica would be going against her Mother's dream.

To create a peaceful world for those she loved.

A world where her family wouldn't be hunted, nor looked down upon by the public.

Natsumi closed her eyes thinking back on her decision to spare her, whether or not it was the right one. By sparing Erica not only did she potentially endanger the lives of her comrades, but risked having her own identity revealed.

An irritated scowl formed on Natsumi's lips, a reaction born from only anger at herself. Allowing her emotions to guide her rather than making the logical choice, only because she didn't want do something like Michael.

But, that was the wrong choice.

She should have killed Erica, regardless of how Ren may react. Regardless of how the public may perceive her, as a murderer that slayed one of their beloved heroes. Natsumi reopened her eyes and stared out the window briefly leaving Jacen's embrace.

Jacen didn't speak simply watched while Natsumi stared out with eyes of glass.

To become a good leader, better than Irene, or to follow and achieve Irene's dream. While staring on Natsumi weighed both of her vows. Both of equal weight, and both of equal value. Those promises had sculpted her life up until this point, using them as a guide to continue forward. But deep down Natsumi always knew there would be a point in her life where both vows would cross.

To be a great leader.

Or to make a world where her brother would be safe.

There were many things in this world that kept Natsumi going. One was her promise to her comrades, another a promise to her Mother, but most of all Ren was the thing Natsumi valued most.

He was her last real family, a bond forged by blood. No matter how much time may pass that connection wouldn't be replicated among her friends only her kin.

Natsumi took a deep breath while once again vanishing into deep thought.

The Natsumi only wished for two things.

Ren's safety, and his happiness.

And now that decision was sitting right in front of her. To achieve Irene's dream would be keeping Ren safe, but in order to do so many Heroes would have to die. Many of those Ren may have forged bonds with...

If she were the sole reason for the death of his friends, Natsumi knew Ren would never forgive her. The bond that she cherished with him would be severed forever. But he would still be safe. The people coming for his life would be dead. The people would seek to use him would be dead, there would be no reason for Natsumi to worry any longer. So even if that bond was severed her duty as a her duty as his protector would be achieved.

A thin smirk then appeared on Natsumi's lips.

Surely that choice would be the most ideal, yet Natsumi still hesitated on her decision. She did value her Brother's happiness. They had already lived a harsh life, both being orphaned at a young age and Natsumi being obligated to fulfill many different roles.

That of a Sister, of a Mother, a Commander, and even a Worker. There were so many things she had to do, so many shoes to fill that it would be impossible for them to live a normal life. Due to her duties as a Commander Natsumi was forced to work throughout the day and fight throughout the night. Leaving her to be to exhausted to even hold an ordinary job, thus causing her to work miscellaneous jobs for most of Ren's childhood.

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