Chapter 118: A Dance Of Dragons

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"Disgracing the Fumiko legacy?" Ikumi let out a small laugh before smiling fondly. Vaguely remembering the event. For some time now Ikumi's mind has remained hazy. With the amount of bodies shes trampled over it doesn't take long for someone to eventually forget the faces of those who fell before them.

"The Fumikos..." Ikumi repeated, she stared at Sayuri for a moment taking in her appearance. It had been long over a decade since she had last came across a Fumiko.

Not since...

Ikumi's mind slowly trailed, dragging itself as if trying to put itself back together "Fourteen years ago." Ikumi said softly, her voice resonated with the surrounding air summoning a small reaction to form on Sayuri's face.

"Hm...thats it." Ikumi's mind focused seeing the scene play out in her mind clear as day. "You were only a child back then weren't you?" Ikumi raised her finger bringing it up to her Brother's lips. "But now look at you, you've grown to become very big and very strong." Ikumi's tone flipped sounding a bit more feminine behind the face of Makoto.

Sayuri's glare hardened like diamonds, twisting and contorting in response to her everlasting anger. An anger she had felt and has allowed to consume her for the last fourteen years. "There is no point in playing dumb..." Sayuri growled, she raised her blade directing it towards Ikumi with a stare as cold as ice. "You already know I've come for your head."

"Ohh?" Ikumi's face danced with amusement, bringing her to twist her smile even more. "You've come for my head..?" Ikumi gently grabbed her shirt pulling it down to show her the base of her neck "If it's my neck you want...then come and get it."


Back on the island both Makoto and Irene weren't in much better of a situation. The moon was high, and the night was vast. Leaving them surrounded in a prison of darkness with only blood red eyes to monitor over them.

In every direction Irene saw beast like eyes, prowling over her body.

In every direction Makoto saw hungry eyes ready to devour him.

Both Irene and Makoto stepped back pressing their backsides against one another to assess the situation before proceeding any further. "This is bad, I should've been more cautious." Even in this dire situation Makoto's voice remained calm. While Irene on the other hand could only react in reverse. "For fucks sake, what the hell even are these things?" She asked.

"Animals." Makoto once again repeated "They are native to the Fujiwaran lands, but with the extensive reiki of this island they grew to be much stronger and bigger than what I knew of them back then."

"Fujiwaran?" Irene paused giving Irene a light stare before shaking her head "...Fujiwaran, you mean like those Devils?" Makoto remained silent, looking down as if hearing the term many times before. After reading his gaze Irene decided to place that question in the back of her mind. As of now it wasn't important "You have a lot of things to explain once we get out of this."

"So you think we will get out of this then?" Makoto asked with a nervous smile. Irene looked to him and smiled similarly although her smile was much brighter than his own. "Of course, because you are the Moon who will pave my path. A path out of this Hell hole."

"So the both of us are going to make it out of here alive, I won't accept anything else as an opinion." Makoto smiled at the comment, seeing Irene's words as passionate rays belonging to the Sun. He slowly closed his eyes and deepened his smile "As expected of the woman who will become my Sun."

With their resolves reaffirmed both Makoto and Irene's bodies grew more tense.

"Follow my lead." Irene ordered, Makoto nodded in accordance soon feeling Irene grip her his hand with her own. Her fingers quickly intermingled with Makoto's sending forth a wave of warmth throughout his body.

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