Chapter 16: Friends

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Scarlet eyes lightly stared up at the massive castle that was Goldendale Academy. His hands rested in his pockets and he held a passive stare as his eyes examined the building.

"Today's the day..."

"What are you doing out here, class is going to start soon."

With an arch of his neck Ren's vision turned to see a dark haired girl smiling at him.

Her skin was fair, and her eyes gleamed like newly mined crystals. She gently shifted her bangs away from her face and continued to smile at him.

Ren's eyes seemed a bit lost when observing her, he didn't speak for a moment and focused his attention back on the large school.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Not exactly, there has just been something I've been meaning to ask you." His voice was smooth and even a bit frail.

"What is it?"

"A few days ago there was an incident between me and Seth. We had a disagreement that eventually evolved into a fight, but before we could settle things the Mayor decided it would be best for us to handle things later in a tournament."

"Essentially it would be 3 matches each one between a member of both me and Seth's respective teams."

"Since I don't know many people here it was pretty easy to figure out who'd ask, but I came to the realization that isn't my decision to make..."

"So that's why I am here now, I won't force you to do it nor will I hold ill will towards you if you reject my offer..."

"Suzume I'd like you to fight for me as a member of Team Tachibana."

The young teen seemed shocked by Ren's offer, so much so that all of the color in her skin was flushed from her face.

Ren's stance weakened noticing the pure shock on Suzume's face "Sorry tg was rude of me to force my problems onto you. Just forget about what I said" Ren turned his body and began to walk up the stairs when he felt something hard grip onto his hand.

He turned to see Suzume holding onto him, the skin on her palm lacked all types of comfort instead it was rough and callused. "Of course I'll fight for you!"

Her voice was strong, determined, and brought ease to Ren's heart. The two stared at each other for a bit and instinctively their eyes slowly closed as Suzume leaned forward.


The color in Suzume's face quickly returned as her entire head became as red as a tomato. Ren quickly snapped out of his emotional trance after hearing the loud ringing of the school bell.

His entire head looked upwards and a frantic expression quickly formed "Oh crap was that the first bell or the late bell!" He shouted. He gripped at his hair and dashed forward before turning around to Suzume and awkwardly waving.

"Hey I'll text you later alright maybe we can figure out a training schedule or something!" After yelling that he disappeared into the building leaving Suzume to her own thoughts.

The raven haired teen crossed her arms and let out a sigh "If I am going to fight for Renji then I need to make sure I'll be able to win..."

"So I'll have to get stronger no matter what!" She spoke to herself in an odd tone almost as if she were trying to pump herself up.

People walked past her noticing that she was talking to herself and made confused faces.

A few hours passed and once again bells lightly chimed letting students know it was now nutrition break.

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