Chapter 93: Mutant

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"...You must be regretting your decision right about now."

A cold voice dragged through the shadows like a black plague. But soon a figure formed within the darkness and stepped forward continuing to speak in a murky voice.

"Allowing one of our family members to escape just after getting here so soon." The shadow let out a sigh. "It's troublesome, very troublesome."

"But I am sure you already knew that when you set him free." The figure turned now properly facing the individual that they were speaking to "Isn't that right Nyssa?"

Nyssa stared back at the shadow with a silent frown. She had little reason to speak back to the shadow, regardless if she cried, begged or even played along with his childish remarks the outcome would remain the same.

She was going to be punished. Nothing was going to change that, and there wasn't anything she could say to prevent it. This was her fate, a fate that Nyssa accepted from the very moment she decided to help Damien escape.

But still, she couldn't help but want to fight against it.

"Our family?" Nyssa mumbled her voice was soft like her mother's "You guys don't have the slightest idea of what family even is."

"Family is not something you want to run away from." for a brief moment Nyssa visualized Erica as well as Ren, even though she hadn't seen them in weeks the memories of them that she carried gave her strength. "They are the people you want to be reunited with."

"...Heh" A weightless cackle flowed from the darkness "Is that what you tell yourself everyday, that one day you'll be reunited with your family?" The figure walked forward, allowing his face to finally be basked in the light.

When the light shined Nyssa got a clear glimpse of the shadows face. Although a bit different than before Nyssa still recognized them "So that's the face you're going with now..." Nyssa spat under her breath.

From the shadows a young man stepped out. He had a daunting stare, one weighed down with malice but also ready to burst with excitement. The man gently caressed his own cheek before giving Nyssa a narrow smile "I'm not sure what you are talking about Nyssa, this has always been my face."

Nyssa stayed quiet, he may have been right. Even though he looked much younger than before that was still the face of the man who tormented her. The head doctor of this hospital, and the founder of Home Dr. Winston Asher.

"What do you think, my abilities can really do wonders don't you think?" Winston asked still marveling over his youthful appearance. Like before Nyssa didn't say anything simply responded with her cold red stare.

"Heh..." A miniature grin fell over his face and he closed in on Nyssa. She was in a state similar to most of their encounters. Strapped to a chair and filled enough with suppressants that she wouldn't be able to break out. With eyes filled with glamour Winston walked around Nyssa observing her maturing appearance.

"I can see it did wonders for you as well." There was something odd about Winston's voice, something that Nyssa didn't like. She would find herself shivering whenever he spoke, as if her body rejected his very presence.

"Don't say that..." Nyssa muttered tensely, but the shakiness of her voice only brought Winston closer. Close enough where Nyssa could feel his warm breath tickling her skin. "Do you not like it when I compliment you Nyssa? You should be proud your body is maturing nicely, soon enough you'll be ready."

"Ready?" Nyssa heard Winston say this before. Almost daily he'd tell her how she's almost ready, but never specify what. "Ready for what?" A tinge of nervousness rose within Nyssa's voice, the last thing she wanted was for Winston to end up being like Mr. Adonti.

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