Chapter 7: Ghost From Our Past

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"The same teacher?"

Awkward words escaped from Ren's mouth as if they were fleeing from his own tongue. The situation itself was a tense one. Even though he was grateful for being saved by Erica. He could only see her disappointment with him within her calm brown eyes.

This immediately reflected back onto Ren as the weight of the entire situation gradually fell onto him. If it weren't for him Suzume's back wouldn't have been cut and the tension between her and her mother wouldn't have grown.

The two women stared at each other intently. Erica's calm demeanor was unwavering, her hair simply swayed from the wind creeping into the room. Sayuri on the other hand was the opposite, she wore a grin filled with excitement but also anger. Her golden eyes continued to glow as she loosened the grip of her Katana allowing it to fall.

The Katana slowly made its way towards the ground. Even though it lasted for a second it felt like an entirety. Not only did the Katana falling seem like a signal for the two to strike, but it filled the room with a tense aura making it difficult to breath for both Ren and Suzume.

The tip of the blade ringed against the straw floorboard and immediately Sayuri slammed her foot against the floor causing the blade to bounce up and spin. She didn't hesitate to strike her former comrade by kicking the blade up and sending it towards the interlocked grip of the two.

Erica's brown eyes shifted golden just like how Sayuri's had done previously. She let go of the woman, but in an attempt to move back Sayuri followed her movements by arching her body forward and pulling out 3 kunai from the sleeves of her kimono.

She quickly flicked her wrist launching the sharp knives at Erica. The green haired hero puffed up her cheeks and puckered her lips releasing a wave of fire from her mouth. The heat that flowed from her mouth was intense, and spread across the room like a thick smog.

She immediately followed up with this by kicking Sayuri hard in the gut and sent her flying into her backyard.

Ren's head darted back and forth in an attempt to follow what was going on "So fast..."

"Ren what do you think you are doing! The job of any hero is to prioritize the victims over anything else. You only fight if necessary, while I deal with Sayuri you better get to work in healing that wound on her back!" Erica shouted.

Her voice was rough, and completely lacked her usual soft tone. It resembled that of a drill sergeant which made the boy jump by the sheer volume. "U-uh roger that!"

He quickly turned to Suzume who was sitting beside him practically in tears. His eyes seemed filled with guilt due to the state she was in, but he shook it off.

"I can do this!"

"Suzume please turn and show your back to me."

The girl nodded and quickly removed the top half of her shirt allowing it to fold over her shoulders. Ren gulped at the sight of wound, her skin was torn open, and had odd black markings near the wound. A deep shade of red dripped from the grizzled wound and poured down her entire backside resembling something out of a horror film. His first reaction was to gag due to how grotesque it was. But that was when he noticed the sheer amount of scars that were already there.

Welts filled her entire back side, almost forming a bumpy pattern. Some scars seemed deeper than others and they all varied in sizes. "This should only hurt a little...please bare with me" Although he knew deep down that was a lie. With how bad her wound was the process of healing it was bound to hurt.

Suzume looked down and nodded believing in him. After all it wasn't the first time that she has been healed by him so she had an idea what to expect.

She felt his fingers roll down her back, they trembled a bit causing her to wince due to how much pressure he placed onto the wound. Suddenly she felt a warmth overtake her and fill her with a sensation of bliss only to be followed with pain and agony. She felt her skin tighten and gradually pull itself together, but she then felt an odd oozing sensation fall right onto her wound.

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