Chapter 26: Putting The Past Behind Us

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With a light creek a young woman stepped out along the patio only to stare up at the sky. The full moon brightly shimmered in the cloudless sky illuminating everything in its path in a bright white light.

The woman's passive blue eyes gleamed against this light taking it in and reflecting it back. Her lips curled becoming a small smile as she reached in her pocket and pulled out two items.

The first item was small oddly colored rectangular box with a wolf on it. The box itself was relatively small and didn't take much space in her palm. It looked old and had an odd color to it due to the endless rust.

The second item was a single cigarette that looked hand made due to the sloppy way the paper was rolled.

Despite this though the woman slid the cigarette between her lips and raised the box flipping it open to reveal a lighter. As her finger flicked the flint nothing happened. She tried to do it once more only to release a sigh of disappointment.

"I was really hoping you quit that habit of yours."

The woman turned to see the screen door slowly being slid open as a tan skinned boy hobbled out. His hair was a shade of dark blue that resembled the bottom of a naval ship, and his eyes were as red as rubies. He wore a simple red jumpsuit with white lining, but had a massive white cast over his right leg. In addition to this he had various bandages plastered across his face.

"Sorry..." she removed the cigarette from her lips and folded it between her fingers.

The boy glanced down noticing how much her hand was trembling and shrugged.

"You don't have to do that, here I'll give you a light." He got closer and pressed his finger against the end of the cigarette as the tip glew and produced smoke.

"Thanks you were always really handy for that."

Ren leaned forward against the railing as he stared up at the massive moon in the sky. Natsumi did the same but opened her mouth to release a spew of smoke that quickly disperse from the gentle breeze.

"How's things at home?"

"Not much as changed, my co-worker still has the hots for me. But because of his help my bills have been getting paid." She explained in a charming tone.

"He sounds like a good guy, do you like him?"

Natsumi looked up a bit further as she crossed her arms still allowing the cigarette to burn further.

"I've known him for awhile, though I've never really thought about ever progressing our relationship in this direction."

"In fact I never really thought about getting into a relationship in always seemed like a distant dream."

Ren listened to her honest thoughts and his head sank, he didn't speak for a few minutes and simply allowed nature's melodies to echo.



Ren shifted back but kept his hand against the rail using it as a support so he wouldn't collapse. "You know it's okay for you to live your life you know."

"You spent so many years taking care of me and because of that you never got to achieve your own dreams."

"So if you would like to move forward with your life I'll support you all the way!"

Natsumi turned and took a few steps forward and placed her hand against the back of Ren's head as she pulled him closer. Ren's face reddened as she embraced him and he felt his emotions begin to swell.

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