Chapter 85: Sovereign

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The road where I wished we'd always be together was the road where we parted ways.

"Was it a crime to have the desire to live?"

"No of course it wasn't." Natsumi fought with this idea for awhile now. To her the answer was simple, no child should be punished for the sins of their parent.

But, the world seemed to think otherwise.

As the child of Irene most people believed she should be executed.

As the child of Irene many people believed Natsumi should spend her life trying to rectify Irene's mistakes.

As the child of Irene many people wished to see her suffer a fate worse than death.

For Natsumi living in a world where she was hated by the masses wasn't easy. Even if she knew they weren't aware of her identity, the idea of hundreds of people harboring so much hate for her did make Natsumi feel a bit uneasy.

It also left many questions in Natsumi's mind.

How would people react once she revolts? Even if she were to get rid of the old system, surely people wouldn't accept the new one just because she was related to Irene.

With a heavy sigh Natsumi looked up, staring at her ceiling with eyes of exhaustion. "Mom, how the hell do you expect me to do this." Natsumi figured the process of tearing down the Hero Association would be a difficult one. Not only in the complexities of simply achieving it, but even considering the feelings of the civilians in the world.

Many people have had their lives saved by Heroes.

But just as many people could have been protected by Heroes, but weren't.

Many people view Lupus as a gang of terrorist, while others fully support them as a rebel group seeking freedom and true peace.

Natsumi lowered her head placing her fingers along its sides. The path of freedom was a long one, but surely the light at the end of the tunnel was becoming brighter.

"There isn't much time left. It would only be a few days until..." Natsumi trailed off on her thoughts knowing full well of what is to come.

In just a few days the world will spiral into chaos.

In a few days the path towards the ideal future will be forged.

With that thought in mind Natsumi took a deep breath. It had been some time since she had felt this jittery, her body throbbing with anxiety and anticipation.

"Just a few more days and..." another brief thought coursed through Natsumi's head. It was something she had about before, but it was something she had come to accept.

After momentarily deepening her gaze Natsumi's eyes fell shut.

"If we go through with this a lot of people will die." Natsumi's mind staggered before continuing on. Throughout her years as a Lupus member Natsumi has seen many things. Some more horrifying than others, and some more appealing to the eye. But with each passing year Natsumi has grown to accept the cold reality of the path that she walked.

War was inevitable...

Regardless if she tried to fight against it as long as Natsumi remained a rebel a war against the Hero Association was bound to happen.

But with war would be many causalities, Heroes were bound to be killed, the same with her comrades, but like tons of lives that would be lost between those two factions the lives of the civilians were bound to be sacrificed as well.

Of course Natsumi wanted to avoid as many innocent lives being sacrificed as possible, but deep down she knew thousands would be killed in the crossfire.

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