Chapter 99: Sisters

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"He really has some nerve" Suzume attempted to quell her anger when walking down the hall, but found herself unable to do so. She was already worked up because of Ren, and hearing Dustin's comments only stirred her anger.

"I'm not a goddamn pervert..." Suzume mumbled as if saying it aloud would solidify it as a fact. "A girl having desires can't be considered a perversion can it?" Suzume played with the thought. Of course like Dustin's claims suggested she did have occasional daydreams.

Some daydreams were more vivid than others.

While some daydreams were more lustful than others.

Regardless all the dreams Suzume had were guided by a fine innocence. Nothing vile or remotely grotesque like how Dustin suggested. She'd only dream of simpler things, natural desires that any girl her age would have.

While walking down the messy hallway Suzume's thoughts deepened, transporting her into a trance like state.

Suzume watched fondly as the scene played out before her.

It was a beautiful day one filled with sunlight and smiles. Light rose petals glided in the air, weaving in and out of the wind's gentle current. Doves flew above dropping rose petals along with their pure white feathers creating an array of white and red.

The mixture of roses and feathers left a multicolored veil across the room. Coating many of the seats, people and even the altar. This was Suzume's wedding day, at least her ideal vision of how she wanted her wedding to be.

This was something she dreamt about since she was a child. A day filled with happiness, a day that would somehow mask her sorrow, and a day that would finally stolen away from her Fumiko roots.

Suzume looked on with a plentiful stare, there were many people at the ceremony perhaps even more than she would've liked. Each row in the auditorium was filled with people all wearing fancy distinguishable outfits that varied from one another. Showcasing where their roots lie. Many of the people who filled the rows further back were heroes, people that she was aware of but no one she had a particular strong connection to.

She recognized Cyclone (Ruriko) a hero she admired as a child. Suzume was always fond of seeing her bubbly personality during interviews, and appreciated her strong acceptance with her mixed ethnicity. Being half Chinese and half Japanese, Ruriko was a hero who predominantly focused her attention protecting the eastern countries as well as showed great pride for it. It was often that you'd see her wearing clothing with the Japanese flag on it, even if it was in a more traditional Chinese styled outfit.

It was due to Ruriko's adamant nature as well as her Grandfather's (Fujin) that the Hero Association has such a large influx of Asian Heroes. Many of the people in the eastern world desired to travel abroad and even had a great desire for helping people. Due to this Fujin would normally take them under his wing and train them, while Ruriko would give them a seal of approval for whether or not they were allowed to transfer.

An to many people's surprise, plenty of their students did.

During the ceremony Ruriko wore an outfit fairly similar to her hero costume, although a bit more decorative than the usual. It had a red floral pattern, stretching down from her stomach region down to the end of her Chinese dress. Ruriko's hair was styled the same way it normally was, two large Chinese buns on the side of her head, while a long brown braid in the back. Even though her appearance hadn't changed much in Suzume's dream there were two things Suzume noticed that she never noticed before. One being the large Dragon tattoo that coursed up Ruriko's long legs, as well as a diamond ring on her hand.

To Suzume's knowledge Ruriko was single, but the diamond on the ring looked too large to be an ordinary ring. It was definitely an engagement ring. Suzume couldn't help but wonder who the lucky lady was who cuffed her.

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