Chapter 27: Growing Fear

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A blurry gaze gleamed as it watched two figures shuffle oddly in the shadows.

"You should have stayed out of my way!"

A voice violently echoed in the dark room causing the small windows to lightly shake. The masculine figure shifted aggressively in an attempt to subdue the individual lying beneath him.

"G-get o...."

The teen's words began to break up as he felt pressure he applied to his throat. He immediately began to rock in place letting out odd noises in desperation to get a single breath.

Trails of sweat left his face and formed small puddles behind his ears due to how frantic his movements were. But as he continued to move he felt his strength slowly dwindle.

The pressure of his nails digging into the man's meaty wrist.

The speed of how he rolled his body left to right.

And even the stinging sensation of his unblinking eyes.

As time went on each of things slowly began to fade allowing darkness to slowly set in.

"You'll be my toy as well...Renji Tachibana"

Tan eyelids shot open revealing dual golden eyes. The pupils were large and the irises gleamed vibrantly within the dark room.

Ren's body shot up nearly as fast as his eyes did as a frantic yell escaped from his mouth. "GET OFF OF ME GET OFF OF ME NOW!"

He raised his hand quickly clamping them on his head as his body trembled. The words that escaped his mouth eventually became incoherent due to the screams that mixed with them.

As he broke out in a copious sweat his breathing grew more ragged. With each pant he took a deep breath before the intervals grew closer. His pupils grew larger before rapidly spinning in circles sending his mental state once again into a frenzy.

The bedroom door flew open as a green haired woman stood in the center of the frame. Her brown eyes radiated as the grew large with confusion but also concern.

"Ren calm down you are doing it again!" She shouted. Her body arched as she raised her hands and approached him cautiously like a wild animal.

Ren's head sharply turned as his eyes fixated upon Erica. His vision warped and he shook his head rapidly before once again holding it in pain "I won't let you touch Nyssa!"


With a powerful lunge Ren flew from his bed and rocketed towards her. The hero changed her posture hopping back and raising her hand to catch his punch.

As his fist collided with her palm she felt her bones rattle slightly sending an odd numbness throughout her body.

"Ren you need to wake up!"

"What you're seeing isn't happening!" She once again shouted.

Ren's eyes continued to spin, going so quickly that his pupils resembled spirals.

"I must protect Nyssa!"

Erica's lips weakened followed by her glare. As her face finally softened she pulled Ren in close and wrapped her arms around him for a tight embrace.

"Nyssa is's time for you to rest."

The room grew silent as Ren's ragged breathing stopped and his struggling stopped. The Kūsō from the boy's eyes slowly faded leaving nothing but a red husk.

Erica ran her thin fingers through his hair as she continued to comfort him and speak to him in a motherly tone.

"Everything will be fine..."

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