Chapter 17: Unwavering Emotions

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A gentle breeze ran its fingers through Ren's silk like hair. The scarlet eyed teen's lips quivered with excitement as his gaze remained fixated on his master.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Once we start there is no going back"

Without a second's thought the boy nodded and gave her a smile brimming with confidence.

"Of course! If I don't improve now then how will I ever become a great hero!"

The corner of Erica's lip curled upwards forming into a half hearted smile "Is that so..."

"Fine then for your sake I won't go easy on you."

"Lift up your arms"

Ren's mouth slightly opened as his eyes gazed upon her filled with confusion "My arms?"

"Yeah hurry up"

Ren lifted up his arms only to have them grasped tightly by two large cuffs. Once the cuffs clicked over his arms, his eyes shrunk and he grew green in the face.

His knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground holding his hand over his mouth.

"What the hell...I feel all weak all of a sudden."

"It's great to see my star pupil has a body this physically weak." Erica's large brown eyes stared down at him displeased.

"These cuffs are used on the prisoners in Tartarus, they are meant to keep them in check."

Erica lifted up her hand and motioned for Ren to come towards her "Give it a try, use your abilities on me."

"What are you sure? I don't wanna get in trouble if I burn you."

"Stop worrying and do it!" She screamed.

Ren reluctantly nodded and pulled his arm back preparing to launch it. His eyes widened in absolute confusion, as his pupils bared witness to zero flames coming from his hands.

He pulled his arm to his chest and stared down "Why aren't my powers-"

Before he could finish Erica decided to answer for him. "These cuffs are power dampeners, they are capable of restricting one's power. Since it's your first time using them you are probably feeling a bit lightheaded ."

Ren looked down at the cuffs and noticed their wasn't a chain between them so their mobility is pretty much the same as before.

"What's the point of this"

"It's a method Sissie used to tell me about when I was a child. She wore dampeners for 2 years and trained her physical body. Once she finally took them off her flames remained blue for the rest of her life."

Erica's finger shot up as a massive grin grew on her face "We are going to bulk up that pathetic body of yours." Jade colored scales formed along her finger that eventually coated her entire arm "I'm going to make you experience hell..."

"GET READY REN BECAUSE I WONT HOLD BACK!" Erica's voice boomed inside of the large forest as she burst forward at blinding a speed.

Blood spewed from Ren's mouth as he felt pain rushed through his body from the impact of her punch. He lost control of his body and was flung backwards like a rag doll into an insecure cliff side.

The azure haired teen fell forward and rolled back and forth letting out a roar in absolute agony. Ren's teeth chattered as an intense pain resonated throughout his body like a vicious hurricane.

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