Chapter 111: Chains

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"Husband?" Irene's face cringed at the suggestion. She stole a glance at Kazuto quickly taking in his appearance. He wasn't bad looking, not ugly but not particularly handsome either. He was well kept, and had a simple smile the kind of smile almost anyone could love. "Who the hell decided that?"

James picked his beard before letting out a troubled sigh, he already predicted this would be Irene's response. After all not many people would react kindly to a proposal as sudden as this one. "It was an unanimous decision made by the Hero Association's board of directors." James strengthened his stare before fully turning to face Irene. "Like I was saying before founding blood is-"

"I understand that." Irene soon interrupted, everyone there could feel her anger beginning to swell but the tone of her voice didn't change in the slightest. Her voice remained as soft as feathers, and as low as the ground beneath them. "I get why you would make a decision like this, but..."

"Who gave you guys the authority to make a decision like that without consoling with me about it first." The ferocity in Irene's eyes faded while staring into James' weathered eyes "It's my life, I am the one who would be affected by this the most. So don't you think it would've been a good idea to talk to me about this first before making such a decision?"

"Well that's the thing..." Kazuto raised his head "This is your decision to make."

"...?" Irene opened her mouth but no words came out. Soon after she narrowed her eyes in confusion unsure how to even respond. She looked to James who as usual looked a bit worried then turned to Kazuto who wore a light frown. "What are you talking about?"

"As Mr. Summers mentioned before this is only a proposition. A proposition that will only occur if you decide to continue walking the path of the hero." Irene listened carefully but still looked a bit lost. "You can easily decline the offer and stay here if the idea of marriage disgusts you that much."

"In other words..." Kazuto looked on at Irene and spoke to her calmly. "We won't force you do to do anything that you don't want to do."

"I see..." Irene quieted her anger and readjusted her position on the crate. She felt a little bad snapping so quickly, after thinking if over Irene realized that her actions may have offended Kazuto. Irene once again looked at Kazuto, matching his soft stare with one of her own. Like her thoughts from before Irene didn't find Kazuto particularly unattractive. He was average looking, but lacked the usual flare that she was used to. Not that was a bad thing, everyone needs a bit of stability in their life but there was something about him that rubbed her the wrong way.

It wasn't the thought of being married to someone like him that bothered Irene. It was the idea of having the freedom of making that choice that bothered her more than anything. If they could control her life like this, what was stopping them from controlling her life from here on out. Determine every choice that she makes, every path that she walks, and every decision that would be made by those who would come after her. Her children, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren. If she chooses to accept a life like that now then surely the freedom of her descendants would be stripped as well.

Irene frowned once more, although this time not from anger. Just pure sadness.

"And if I say no? What would happen to me then? Would you guys just wait until I have children of my own and ask them the same thing when they came of age? Or would you never come to this place again, and leave me and my descendants to live without any outside influence."

Kazuto and James remained silent. There was no need to answer a question such as that one, not necessarily because neither of them had an answer. But similar to Irene they already knew what the answer was and found no reason to verbally express it.

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