Chapter 182: Because Of You

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"Inosanto..." Ren recognized the name like he would his right hand. Maija had spoken about the Inosanto's before.

The Inosanto's were one of the four tribes within the Fujiwara Clan. They were the least praised of the four tribes. They weren't of royal lineage like the Tsuki Tribe, wealthy like the Sultans, or proud warriors like the Agni.

However, they did possess a unique connection to the God of their people known as the Garuda. Many people within the Fujiwara Clan believed in the Garuda. But out of the four tribes, the Inosanto tribe were the most faithful.

Similar to the Agni tribe's connection to the Tsuki royal family. The Inosanto tribe had an unwavering loyalty to the legendary figure of their people.

They believed the Garuda to be their God.

A fated messiah destined to lead their people towards salvation and true enlightenment.

But, little did they know the scorching eagle of legend would eventually be born through their bloodline.

"I didn't realize others had survived the genocide." Ren whispered, the truth of the Fujiwara Genocide still weighed heavily on his heart. "I just assumed everyone had been killed."

"They were." Irene clarified. "The only survivors were Ikumi and Makoto." Irene glanced at her son, reading his moving lips. She already had an idea what he was going to say and thought it best to save him the trouble of asking and answered him. "The Inosanto Tribe of Solis Island is not the same as the Inosanto Tribe of Fujiwara Island."

"What?" Smoke fled from Ren's brain. He was utterly lost like a traveler stuck in the desert.

Irene weakly sighed. She knew her son wasn't the brightest, even if she wanted him to be. Unfortunately, most of her intellect went to her eldest child, Natsumi. While her strength took refuge in her youngest child, Renji.

"Listen." Irene drew a diagram with her flames. "As Maija told you before. The Fujiwara Clan consists of four separate tribes. The Tsuki Tribe of Japan. The Agni Tribe of India. The Sultan Tribe of the Middle East. Then finally the Inosanto Tribe of the Philippines."

Irene's blue eyes flickered in intensity folding into a tense glare as she looked upon her son. She had a good idea of his track record when it came to learning. She knew he'd skip class or sleep through lessons. He didn't immediately flunk high school because of Dustin letting Ren copy his notes and Suzume regularly doing his homework.

Honestly, it was a miracle Ren had lasted this long.

"Renji..." Irene's fierce gaze didn't falter. "Are you following?"

Ren winced and appeared more stressed than confused. "Yes..."

"Are you sure?" Irene asked again, hoping all her information was seeping deep within his mind.

"Yes..." Ren muttered again, this time his voice was more of a groan. It was taking everything in Ren's power not to break concentration.

We're doomed...

Irene tried to collect herself but couldn't hide her disappointment. Ren was unfortunately cursed by the Fujiwara Clan's stupidity. Watching Ren's expression reminded Irene of Makoto.

Soft hearts and feeble minds...

Irene weakly smiled.

He really is a lot like you...

Irene closed her hand then reopened it, creating the number two with her flames.

"Ren do you remember why the four tribes came together in the first place?" Irene questioned.

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