Chapter 183: Strength

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It had been a long time since Ren felt good about things. After speaking directly to Irene and having a heart to heart conversation with her, Ren felt clear about his place in the world and its purpose. As the Phoenix King of the Ember Isles, as the Garuda of the Fujiwara Clan, and most of all as Renji Fujiwara, the Greatest Hero the world has ever seen.

For the first time in his life, Ren had everything.

Ren looked to Suzume, his bride, his child's mother, and soon to be wife. He couldn't help but adore her. Suzume meant everything to him. She was beautiful, intelligent, and, most importantly, loyal.

"Suzume." Ren came to a slow halt. They were making their way back to Tengoku Shrine and were still a ways away. Ren took a moment to observe their surroundings. He didn't have many moments to take in how beautiful his new home was with everything on his mind.

Ren could see valleys and meadows ranging from the large jungle to the mountainous cliffs in the distance. Even further though, Ren saw the beaches and the vast ocean that looked as if it could continue forever.

However, across that ocean, Ren knew that's where his enemies lied.

Michael was on the other side of the great sea. Michael was on the other side waiting for Ren to make his first move so he could strike him down in broad daylight.

"This time he won't win..." Ren told himself, swearing an oath. "Next time I see Michael I will crush his spirit..."

Ren took a deep breath calming himself. He didn't want to become consumed by hate the same way Ikumi did, or even to a lesser degree Irene.

"I can't be like them..." Ren thought and clenched his fist. "But I must use their strength. Otherwise I'll..." Ren trailed off and met Suzume's caring cerulean blue eyes. "Lose everything that's important to me..."

Suzume held Ren's arm and brought herself close. "Is something wrong? You look worried."

"Do I ever not look worried?" Ren smiled and kissed her cheek. But Suzume wasn't naïve enough to fall for that. She watched him with fixated eyes cutting into his soul. Ren wanted to ignore her cold stare, but the longer he tried, the colder he felt.

"You always look worried." Suzume confirmed. "But that's precisely why I'm worried. You worry so much about everyone else that you forget to even worry about yourself." Suzume chopped him on the head. "But, that's why I'm here right? To worry for you when you forget to."

Ren cracked a smile. "Good point. What would I do without you Suzume."

Suzume brought her finger to her chin. "Hm..." She took a step back and thought about it becoming lost within her hardened mind. "A bum?" Suzume tried to hide her smirk. "You would've probably been kicked out of Goldendale if it weren't for me doing your homework."

"A bum?" Ren looked a bit surprised. "You seriously think that low of me?" Ren felt a dagger sink into his heart. "Like come on, I wasn't that bad in school was I?"

Suzume slightly winced. She wanted to brace Ren's feelings, but in reality, he was a terrible student. "Bad is an understatement." she said bluntly. "You were possibly the worst student that has ever attended Goldendale since its establishment."

Ren sunk his head. "That bad huh..."

Suzume combed Ren's face with her hand. "Well it wasn't all bad. Among the students you did have the best scores when it came to physicality." She shrugged. "You even kicked Seth's ass in front of everyone."

"Not easily..." Ren thought truthfully. For a long time, Seth was the strongest opponent Ren had ever faced. Even now, Ren was sure Seth had grown far stronger.

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