Chapter 89: Forgotten

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A sea of flames, it was the only thing left when Mei disappeared.

A protective ring created by blue flames. Flames strong enough to prevent her from getting closer to Ren.

The thing that she treasured the most. The thing that she wanted to obtain more than anything. The last remnant of family she had left in this world.That being Renji Tachibana, the key to obtain what Mei desired most.

Even in Mei's absence the shadows remained swirling around the flames like a prowling animal. To Ren it was strange, it seemed as if the shadows were alive. Still moving trying to fulfill Mei's final wish, to consume Ren and show him everything about the past.

The horrors of her life.

The horrors of being a Fujiwara, and the horrors of the Hero Association.

Even without being told Ren could sense Mei's burning resentment for the Hero Association. Something that manifested within her shadows, causing them to pop and crackle just like the ring of fire.

"It's too much..."

Those were the only words Ren could think to say when starring at the shadows. Yes there was a vast amount of them, but what was even worse was the intoxicating aura that they would produce.

To Ren the aura felt like a black smog. A smog formed by anger and the desire for nothing but destruction. Never in Ren's entire life had he sensed anything so toxic. Something fueled by so much anger that it made Ren feel as if he were about to burst.

What did they do? What could the Hero Association have done that would cause anyone to produce something this dark. Something so dark that it didn't even feel human, but more akin to a ravaging beast.

The idea of anyone's aura being this dark was twisted.

"Something like this shouldn't even exist"

Ren thought this while staring at the shadows. Seeing the way they acted, having little control over their actions and even less sentience than the flames around him. The shadows would hiss and slither like a snake, before snapping at the ring only to be burned away immediately.

Unlike the shadows the flames remained strong. Serving their purpose well as a protective barrier. Not a single shadow got in, nor did Ren even attempt to step out.

Blue flames...

It was a rare type of flame attributed to the Wolfe bloodline. But mainly associated with Ren's Mother, Irene Wolfe. A woman at one point known as the Azure Flame of the Hero Association. Even though Ren knew very little about Irene one thing he could immediately recognize were her flames.

Ren's eyes sparkled at the sight of them, they held an appearance much different from his own. Ren's flames were usually scarlet, changing in shape constantly due to their instability. But in contrast Irene's flames were far more pure. They crackled softly, changing in shape every few seconds like a flowing tide.

Ren had never seen such pure flames. For someone to get fire of that caliber they would have to train for years. Learning every aspect about their body, as well as their ability. Not only to learn if their body can produce flames that hot, but whether or not they would be capable of controlling them.

Something that Ren was even unsure he'd be capable of doing...

"Then that means..." Ren's mind paused, tracing back to his inner world. A similar darkness was formed there, although not nearly as hostile as Mei's it was definitely far more dark.

The shadows conjured by the Maiden of Darkness didn't do anything either. They were immediately destroyed by the bringer of light. The Blue Wolf, that savagely attacked Maiden and freed Ren from his mental prison.

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