Chapter 123: One Last Time

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"Awe, you're telling me even after all of that you still wanna go there?"

Ren let out a sigh turning his back to Mei "Of course I do." Ren hung his head a bit thinking it over. Its been weeks since he had last seen Erica, and if her injuries were as severe as Michael made them out to be Ren wasn't entirely sure how prepared he was to face her. "It's the least I can do, especially after everything that has happened..."

In contrast to Ren's usual melancholic words Mei's face was flaring like a sparking fire. "This is ridiculous there is no point in visiting that woman." Mei scoffed showing her obvious distaste for Erica. "It's not like it will be much of a visit anyways, she'll be sleeping throughout the entire thing."

Ren shot her a stiff glare, deepening his frown. Ren recalled Erica mentioning that she and Mei never got along, but Ren never realized it was to this degree. Ren flattened his stare slowly removing his frown only to rub the back of his head and look away. "Even so, it'd be for the best if I at least attempted to see her anyways."

Mei traded expressions with Ren deepening her frown along with her glare. She still couldn't understand why Ren would hold so much attachment for Erica. She only cared about him because he was Irene's son, and its not like they were even blood. "Renji..." Mei once again called, using his full name.

It was sometimes odd for Ren to hear his full name. After all not many people called him by it, only teachers and Suzume for the most part. "Yes?"

"I hope you realize that Erica is your enemy." Mei repeated reminding him of the words she left him months ago. Ren rolled his eyes and batted away the comment "Why would Erica be my enemy, if anything she's my protector. If it weren't for her I wouldn't be where I am today."

Mei folded her arms and sighed. It was the first time Ren saw her don an expression even remotely resembling disappointment. "Renji, you remember what I told you about Erica before yes?" Ren started to notice her thick accent seeping through her words. Ren gave her a clueless look "What her being erm... a cunt?"

Mei froze, she looked around for a moment before covering her mouth slightly. As if embarrassed for Ren's sake "No...well yes...but no." Mei's frown turned into that of slight disgust "Please don't ever say that again." She politely scolded.

"Huh? Why not?" Ren wondered. Mei clenched her teeth and shook her head "Just no. It sounds icky coming out of your mouth." Ren's face became flushed before dancing along the spectrum of shades of gray. "That's ironic coming from you..."

"What's ironic about it?"

Ren's eyes shot open "Huh? How did you know that I..."

"I can sense your thoughts." Mei vaguely explained.

Ren shook his head "What? You can read minds but I thought you don't..."

"Oh Renji, my sweet sweet summer child. I am capable of many things." Mei smiled "But reading minds is not one of them." Mei then pointed to her heart "I can only sense yours, cause like I said before the bond we share is deeper than blood."

Before Ren could continue his tirade of questions Mei returned to the original topic. "As I was saying before, the reason why Erica Hale is your enemy is because she embodies Irene's will yes?" Mei explained once again thickening her accent. Even though the accent made it a bit more difficult for Ren to understand her words even Ren had to admit it made her voice sound a bit more cute. It kind of reminded Ren of how Suzume would sound when her voice flipped back and forth between speaking English and Japanese.

"So that wouldn't make her any different from those traitors in Lupus." Mei further explained. "If you truly wish to destroy Irene's will that would mean destroying Erica as well." Mei smiled. In contrast to her joyful smile Ren's face darkened. Ren's words flowed from the cracks in his teeth like a growl "What? Why the hell would I do that?"

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz