Chapter 101: I Chose You

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"You want me to kill Marionette?" Arthur's words fell into a light gasp. It made sense why Michael would want to see someone like her dead. Not only was she a criminal, but she's taken the lives of more pro heroes than he probably anticipated.

Arthur's gaze fell short looking down at Erica in her decrepit state. It was hard to see her like this, among the pros Erica was always one of the kindest. Even in his childhood she'd always gift him with snacks during the meetings, and even entertain his naive thoughts about heroism. 

Arthur's eyes grew glossy now noticing the tightly woven stitches across her neck. All the bandages seemed to do was hide the horrors of her face. Saving the eyes of those with a faint heart. 

"Out of all people this could have happened to why did it have to be you."

"It's because I chose you Arthur." As usual Michael's voice remained firm, unwavering even in a time like this. Arthur was already familiar with Michael's feelings towards Erica, the fact that he viewed her as a remarkable woman even if she detested him from the depths of her heart. 

Arthur thought that seeing Erica in such a state would waver Michael's emotions even a little. But Erica's wounds seemed to do nothing of the sort. Michael simply spoke the way he always had, as a commander, the leader of the heroes and the general that would bring forth justice with a swing of his blade. 

"You are the only person I can trust with a task as great as this one." 

"That isn't true." Arthur thought. There were a handful of people in the Hero Association that Arthur thought of as his equals. Sayuri, she was by far the best swordsman currently living and there were very few people in the world who could last in a sword duel with her. Mei, similar to himself she was also a singularity, blessed with strength that rivaled gods and wielded the ancient spear Viper. 

"Out of all the Heroes Mei would probably be the best suited for a task like that." Arthur admitted "You already know I am not one for executions."

There was a strange silence, Michael's angel like expression remained unchanged and unreadable. Arthur half expected to be scolded, or even spat at but he received neither action as a punishment. Instead he was left with silence, a silence that had a loose anger woven into it. An anger that eventually brought forth a frown on Michael's pale face.

"You expect me to leave Marionette to a simple minded barbarian like Mei?" Clearly this wasn't the answer Michael wanted, nor was this a response Arthur was surprised by. "I can't do that. Marionette is far too cunning to be taken down by a beast like that."

Arthur winced at the comment. "Simple minded?" Arthur had his doubts about that. Even though both he and Mei had only met a handful of times, Mei always brought forth a vibe not much different than Sayuri or Michael. In fact her aura felt like a mixture of them both, she could present the cold exterior like Sayuri, but also an overwhelming amount of strength and will like Michael.

Mei's comments during meetings, and faint smile always left Arthur a bit startled. As if she was always in a state advantageous to her. Although Arthur was never sure in what way.

"Mei is perfectly suited to deal with Marionette though." Arthur added "With her beast like strength and Viper's venom surely her demise would be imminent." 

Michael lowered his head and let out a sigh. 

Arthur felt chills go down his back after hearing it. Michael only sighed when his disappointment was at an all time low. "Do you doubt yourself Arthur?" his question was genuine, even if angered you wouldn't be able to hear it within his voice. 

Arthur didn't respond but his expression was more than enough to answer Michael's question. "Then do you doubt me?" 

Arthur froze, not out of fear but pure confusion. He slowly shook his head, there was little reason to doubt Michael. He was intelligent and has proven time and time again that he was a perfect hero and someone you could depend on when times are tough. "No I don't, I have no reason to."

Michael closed his eyes as if resting. Only to open them moments later, with them reopening his expression changed and the anger that filled the air had also vanished. Michael stood up breaking the distance between both him and Arthur in a matter of a few steps. He stopped right before him and stared downwards, making Arthur feel like a child standing before a giant. 

"Good. Then believe in the strength that I see in you." Michael told him softly "You are my protegee, my successor there isn't a single person in this world more suitable for this task than you. I wouldn't say that if I didn't truly believe it." Michael's eyes closed gently once more only to reopen now giving Arthur a smile.

"You are the promised Sovereign, the child who pulled the Holy Blade that hadn't been touched in centuries. If anyone is to lead the world into a new future it has to be you." Michael explained. 

Arthur frowned at the comments. Even though they were words of praise they only felt like daggers in his back. It was a lot to live up to, a reputation first built on the prophecy said by Irene many years ago. A prophecy that paranoid Michael years after her death. 

"But that future won't come to fruition if Marionette allows Hell to rise again."

Arthur closed his eyes. He remembered the state Britain was in when Michael first found him, how toxic the waters were. How poverty stricken the country was. Arthur remembered his parents dying from famine, and his sister Morgan dying from an illness.

That memory only seemed like a dream now. But a vivid one that left scars on his mind.

That was Hell. A travesty that the world wouldn't be able to walk away from. With Marionette leading the Lupus forces their way surely only destruction would ensue. People would die, both innocent civilians, and innocent Heroes trying to save them. 

Only destruction would consume them, and only Hell would be left over.

Arthur was still unsure of his strength, whether or not he'd be capable of defeating someone like Marionette. But he also knew that it would be better for him to try, rather than sit around and let the flames of Hell consume the City that he loved, and torched the world that he swore to protect.

Arthur reopened his eyes burning with passion. It was his duty to defeat Marionette no matter what, even if it cost him his life.

"You're right, if I sit around and do nothing Hell will only rise." Arthur sighed, he knew it would be a difficult task. He also knew he was short on time "I'll have to start immediately."

Michael's smile deepened satisfied with Arthur's answer. "How do you plan on accomplishing such a task?"

Arthur thought about it for a moment. He only had two main missions, to train Ren and Seth, and to take out Marionette. Neither one were easy things to accomplish, but with enough planning surely he'd be able to come up with something.

"I'll let fate decide that for me." Arthur said simply "I need to know more about those two if I really plan on training them. To get a better idea of how they are as people, rather than heroes only then will I be able to figure out where their strengths and weaknesses lie." 

"As for Marionette, fuck if i know. That cunt might come at me swinging, but I guess I'll have to just swing right back." Arthur let out another troubling sigh "You really have a problem of dropping chores on me you know."

Michael lightly laughed "It's fine, I know you'll do well." Michael turned a bit heading for the door "I expect great things from you Arthur, don't let me down."

Arthur watched Michael leave with a plain stare "Yes sir."

"And Arthur?" 

Arthur raised his head once again to meet Michael's gaze. "As for Erica, it would be best if you kept her condition between you and me." Arthur frowned at this, he never liked the idea of secrets. 

"Is there any particular reason why?" Arthur asked.

"Stability." Michael chimed "The emotions of the civilians are already tense with this war against Lupus. There are some who cower in fear, and others who doubt our strength." Michael then shook his head frowning "If the public knew a Singularity was in critical condition because of Marionette the world would be thrown into chaos."

Arthur understood where Michael was coming from. It wasn't uncommon for Heroes to lose, but after how riled up the citizens of Vermillion City were after the dragon attack. Or how riled up they were after the public announcement that the Heroes were going to War with the revolutionaries. Arthur could only imagine how bad the backlash would be after hearing about Erica's defeat.

People might leave the city. Crime rates could rise, and people might even be more willing to support Lupus when the time came. 

Arthur clouded his frown with a thin smile "I understand."

"But what about Ren?" Arthur asked "It's not like we can keep a secret like this forever..." Arthur thought about it for a moment. Remembering his brief encounter with Ren, they only exchanged a few words but Arthur felt a strange bond there. They were destined to meet, he was sure of it, and he was sure Ren was aware of it too.

"He deserves to know" Arthur turned to Michael, his face as stiff as his "Even if you tell me not to, I will tell him. I refuse to keep something like this from him."

Michael for a moment looked genuinely surprised. It was rare for Arthur to go against his wishes, normally he'd be subservient simply nodding and going along with the plan. But this bond, this strange bond has caused him to act differently. 

"Very well then." There wasn't even a hint of shock in Michael's stone. Instead it remained stiff and narrow just like his line of thinking. "Maybe it would be for the best he learns the truth."

Arthur smiled somewhat. It was the first time ever Arthur has managed to sway Michael's way of thinking even if it was slightly. 

"But I'll be the one to break the news to him." 

"Huh? Why?" Arthur raised a brow. Michael gave Arthur a strange look as if baffled by Arthur's erratic spur. "Is that a problem?"

Arthur smiled nervously scratching his own cheek. "No, I suppose not, but..." The situation seemed strange. Of course there were few times when Michael showed interest in specific people. The Members of Blight for example, picking each one throughout the years due to the usefulness of their abilities. Or even himself just because Arthur fit the mold of someone worthy enough to wield Excalibur. 

"But why? Is there something about Ren that has peaked your interest?" Arthur questioned.

Michael gently folded his fingers thinking over Arthur's question "You could say that. But my reasoning for wanting to meet him runs much deeper than him being mildly interesting." A thin smirk formed "Like you, I suppose you could consider us kindred spirits."

"Kindred spirits?" Arthur tilted his head, a bit confused by his wording "I was on my way back would you like to join me then?"

Michael gently shook his head "No there are other matters I have to attend to, but if you are going to the Vermillion home I'll be sure to stop by tonight."

Arthur nodded "Fair enough, I will let them know that they'll be expecting you." 

Michael nodded once more and left the room, leaving Arthur to his own thoughts.

While walking down the halls Michael's expression changed. Devolving from a thin smile to a dark scowl. There were only a few people in the world capable of making Michael's blood rise. One of them being Mei, a filthy woman that couldn't be any more different than someone like Erica.

Erica being kind and loving, and exhibited her power when necessary.

While Mei was nothing of the sort. She was brash and simple minded, bringing for destruction at every turn like a natural disaster. If Michael had it his way he would have eliminated her already seeing her as nothing more than a stain on the Hero Association's legacy.

Another name was Irene, nothing more than a ghost from his past. During his early days as a Hero Irene was someone to be respected. The Hero that everyone had action figures of, and idolized on television. 

She was the perfect woman, beautiful, smart and powerful. It was clear to see where Erica's charm came from. But it was also because of those similarities that Michael had a deep rooted hatred for her.

Michael imagined Erica, she may hate him. But he had little to no reason to hate her, as a hero she got her job done and painted herself in a fantastic light. A similar light that Irene had in her youth.

Michael's scornful frown twitched, growing more visibly angry by the second.

"It doesn't make any sense." Michael thought, this was a question he had for almost a decade. Erica and Irene were so similar yet walked completely different paths. 

Despite all the things that have happened to Erica. Such has Irene's betrayal and her death. Itsuki's betrayal as well as his death. Even the burning of the Dragon Temple, Erica's values never changed. She still walked down the path of light.

Whereas Irene, after the death of that savage tossed everything away, and only sought destruction. 

Michael envisioned Irene, remembering her arrogant grin and a sea of flames forming around her. 

Michael then stopped, losing his frown and allowing the anger to vanish from his face. It was pointless to get angry over Irene, she had been dead for years now. Finished by her own blade. 

But even knowing that Irene was dead didn't bring Michael any satisfaction. It was because of her death that he was nominated to be the number one hero. It was because of her death that the world has been peaceful for over a decade. It was because of her death that Michael was still haunted by her prophecies.

Michael once again frowned, Remembering her last words.

"You really are a fool if you think this is over. When the lone wolf dies the pack survives. It's only a matter of time until the age of Heroes comes to an end, and I cannot wait to see how beautiful the world will be by then."

"What did she see?" Michael couldn't understand it, what was it in her death that Irene was capable of seeing that allowed her to continue smiling even in her last moments. 

"Was it Lupus?" Michael thought " Or was it this foolish Marionette?" Michael wasn't sure, regardless it was clear Irene's will continued even if her body had already perished. 

"Or is it because of him." Michael walked down the hall with a shadow like stare opening a door to a room with several cameras showcasing the entire city. In the room was Dr. Winston Asher, the head scientist of Home.

Winston looked much more youthful than their last meeting, looking akin to a man in his mid twenties rather than the old decrepit man from before. Michael stared at him saying nothing, he looked over at the cameras focusing in one at the Vermillion estate, where Ren, Dustin and Sarah were all speaking to one another.

"I was surprised that the Hero Association let someone like him fall beneath the radar for so long." 

"The only person who let him slip beneath the radar was James (The Director of the Hero Association)." Michael scoffed "With Erica's sudden interest in a pupil after rejecting the responsibility for so long. As well as that match he had with the Vermillion boy it was obvious that Irene's blood was still flowing strong."

"Yes indeed." Winston muttered. He had an eerie smile to him, dark and pure. "I was surprised when he took out one of my children. There aren't many capable of dealing with Damien even among licensed heroes."

"You're still calling them that?" 

"Well of course, what else would I call them?" Winston asked "It's only fair I treat all my children equally, you should do the same for your siblings Michael."

Michael's frown deepened. Winston noticed this and looked away "My apologies, I've forgotten that you hate the idea of us being family."

"It's not that." Michael admitted "I just don't see the point in pretending their is some sort of familial connection between us." Michael lowered his stare "The only reason why you are still alive is because James needs you."

Winston lightly laughed and shook his head walking towards the back of the lab "I'm sure you are interested in seeing some of your siblings though right?"

Michael followed after Winston, gazing at the rows of tanks throughout the lab. Each one holding a child with a breathing mask over their mouths. Michael's eyes gazed at each one noting the specific mutations they had. Some of the children had lion like hair, or plant like feet. It was clear that Winston was playing with the genetic pool, mixing in anything that would work.

Winston then stopped in front of a large black tank. This one having the word "Wyrm" written across it. Within the tank all Michael could see was Nyssa's face. She appeared to be asleep, with a breathing mask over her mouth similar to the others. 

"My beautiful child, it won't be long until she is ready."

"How much longer?" Michael asked "Do you think she'll be ready for the upcoming fight with Lupus?" 

Winston stared at Nyssa and thought about it. "She's only at 23%, I don't know how soon you plan on beginning your attack but...I don't think she'll be ready until another three months."

"That's unfortunate." Michael was already expecting Lupus to begin their assault soon. There was little use Nyssa would have if she were to be unleashed a quarter of a year. 

"Just give it time. Wars last long, I doubt whatever attack Lupus is planning will be enough to finish off the Heroes. I am sure James would agree."

Michael rolled his eyes at the comment. The Doctor wasn't wrong, but the longer the war went on for the more people would die in the process. The Hero Association doesn't have enough heroes to dish out during that interluding time.

"What about the others?" Michael asked, looking back at the other mutants. Winston looked at the rest, unlike Nyssa they weren't perfect. They'd have strange defects similar to Damien "They are ready but not the most stable."

"Then figure out how to stabilize them." Michael demanded. "The hero association expects great things from you." Michael raised his finger conjuring up a deadly light "There is no reason for us to keep you if you aren't able to meet our demands."

Winston began to sweat. 

"I see, I'll do my best."

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