Chapter 82: A Memory Of Threads Part 1

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How long has it been...

Natsumi stared around the training room only to see dozens of eyes staring back at her. To have this many people here was odd, only during rare circumstances would this many people flood the training room.

Rare circumstances like this one...

For Natsumi today was a special day, not only was today the day of her "exam", but it was also the final day she'd be viewed as a Cadet. For years, for three long years Natsumi trained every day making small strides towards her own dream.

A future where both she and Ren wouldn't be hunted.

A future where they'd be at peace.

A future where the memories of that day wouldn't haunt her.

This distant future was something Natsumi wished for dearly, and this exam was nothing more but the first step towards that goal. 

Natsumi took a step forward once again looking around the room. The training room didn't seem much different than the usual, it was still a vast space with walls built from a special metal that was naturally infused with Reiki energy. Due to this the room itself was able to withstand abilities better than most, as well as keeping their presence unknown to the rest of the world.

Natsumi continued to scan the area holding a sharp gaze on the people watching her. Every person watching had a subtle intensity to them, but an intensity strong enough that Natsumi could feel it rattling her bones.

It was rare to see this many Commanders in one place. Natsumi's eyes shifted moving from right to left mentally counting each person. 

In her head Natsumi counted 5, even though there were more people than that within the room. Only 5 of the people along the wall mattered. Those were the people who were judging her, as well as the people who's opinions mattered most.

Natsumi turned her head momentarily meeting the gaze of Zhu Li before breaking her stare. Of course Zhu Li wasn't one of the people along the wall despite holding the title of Commander. Even though like the other Commanders Zhu Li's task was to evaluate Natsumi, the way in which she was tasked to do it was a bit different.

She had to test Natsumi's strength and whether or not she was worthy for the title of Commander. Of course Zhu Li did have her doubts, not necessarily in Natsumi's strength but more in her sense of leadership.

Unlike the other Commanders Natsumi hasn't had much experience leading, so would she make the right calls? Would she act selflessly or selfishly during a mission, and would that choice cost her comrades lives.

Even with these doubts Zhu Li pushed on, it wasn't her place to question the decision Alexander decided to make. It was his choice to suggest Natsumi for the position of Commander of the Seventh Division, despite her inexperience. 

Zhu Li gave Alexander a narrow stare from across the room, only to be received with his usual hearty smile. 

Without even saying words Zhu Li somehow felt reassured. Throughout these years Alexander has never given her a reason to doubt him, and even now Zhu Li thought it best to trust him.

"Natsumi." Zhu Li called, her voice was low but stern similar to that of a general "You better not let your guard down. I won't be going easy on you like I have during our training sessions." 

Natsumi's mouth quivered somewhat before she spoke. It was almost hard for her to believe that Zhu Li was holding back when they trained, normally when they clashed it took everything within Natsumi's power just to keep up and even then Zhu Li always felt miles ahead of her.

But that was to be expected of someone who was once considered Irene's rival. 

Natsumi's gaze once again traveled throughout the room trading glances with each Commander. With this second gaze Natsumi noticed not all the Commanders were present. Both the Commander of the Fifth Division as well as the Vice Captain were no where to be seen.

To Natsumi this wasn't all that surprising, The Fifth Commander and The Vice Captain were widely known for their absences since both are Members of The Hero Association. 

Among the two Commanders Natsumi was only familiar with the Vice Captain being Itsuki, the man who saved her several years ago. He'd only come around every few months just to personally train her, and as expected of a Vice Captain his training was certainly the hardest.

Natsumi's face softened somewhat, although she did have her problems with Itsuki she somewhat hoped to see him on such an important day. 

But to him today was probably no different than any other day.

"I understand..." After some time Natsumi finally responded, taking a deep breath and lowering her head. This was going to be a tough fight, that was to be expected but out of all the opponents she could have had Zhu Li was by far the worst.

Without even staring her way Natsumi could feel Zhu Li's aura swelling. It had a radiating presence to it, almost like a power plant surging with energy. 

Natsumi could only imagine the hell she was going to have to endure. The pain from their training sessions was already bad enough, but this... was something Natsumi couldn't even fathom.

The thought of that pain resonated throughout Natsumi, yes it was terrifying but that pain was nothing compared to what Irene had to endure. To stop now after all this time she spent here would be dragging Irene's name in the mud.

"Yes...I must fight."  Natsumi told herself slowly balling her hand into a fist.

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