Chapter 137: Change

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Suzume's blue iris glowed with the widening of her eyes, giving it a frightening aura. Her stare was fierce so fierce that it made Seth hallucinate that he was in the presence of a dragon. Seth took a step back understanding well that the look Suzume held would bring nothing but trouble. After all just like many people in Vermillion City, Seth had always grown up with the notion of not to anger a Fumiko.

However from Suzume's stare he didn't feel anger, only an overwhelming sense of greed. The desire of wanting something so badly you'd even risk your life for it. Seth's gaze slowly traced back to the coolness of Suzume's eyes, eyes so bright that they rivaled his own. They were beautiful yet haunting, as if they had experienced the beauties of the world and have seen great sorrow.

Like many others Seth heard rumors of the Fumiko Home. How abusive Sayuri was to both of her children to the point where her eldest son took his own life. Seth could only imagine what horrors were brought upon Suzume after that, and in all honesty just thinking about it put knots in his stomach.

"I don't think I can do that." Seth muttered pulling his mind back to Suzume's claim. Rejecting her desires in the same way he had rejected his own. For some reason telling Suzume no filled Seth with a strange sense of dread. A sense of dread that was only amplified by her haunting stare.

"Why not?" Suzume asked with a tilt of her head keeping her fierce glare. The look in Suzume's eyes was far different than the last time Seth had spoken to her. It was stronger, and more lively than ever before. Seth remembered how Suzume looked back when she was apart of the student council. Empty, helpless, and pathetic. Someone you could easily take advantage of without any repercussions. Which Seth did time and time again, he'd destroy his enemies by using Suzume as a catalyst. Viewing both her and Marie as just tools to get closer to his goal.

Seth placed his hand on the railing looking down on her with a remorseful frown. "What changed..." he thought. He had always known Suzume to be blunt, but her bluntness came from a pit of social awkwardness. Not strength. But now after registering her gaze, and hearing the newfound confidence in her voice it was easy for Seth to tell their was a fresh and lively flame now burning within her.

"Cause Nyssa is dangerous, it'd be better if she didn't see anyone for the time being." Seth admitted, he took a few steps down the stairway starring as if searching for something. "At least not until she gets better."

"I see..." Suzume noticed the shift in Seth's voice. Slowly altering from the stern and booming voice she remembered to something more frail and feeble. Even after seeing his appearance it was clear something was wrong. He had large bags underneath his eyes, and his hair was unkempt making him look less pompous than usual. "...I was hoping to see her again its been so long. I even bought her candy..." Suzume muttered holding out a pack of skittles.

When Erica was still around Suzume stopped by the Hale house quite often. Usually to assist Ren in his studies since his grades weren't exactly up to par. However whenever she did come, she'd always make time to play with Nyssa either offering to go along with her tea parties or eating the sweets Erica would whip up to make it more believable. Of course every now and then Ren would play too but he'd get bored of it after 10 or so minutes.

"Can you give this to her then?" Suzume asked tossing the pack upwards towards Seth "Make sure to only give her the green and purple ones. She doesn't really like the other flavors." Suzume insisted.

Seth awkwardly caught it and looked down at the pack, knowing full well Nyssa probably wouldn't be capable of eating them. His grieving stare folded into a frown and slowly evolved into a thin smile "Yeah. I'll make sure to do that."

"..." Suzume briefly fell back to her silent stare and turned her head towards the hall. Normally whenever she'd visit the Vermillion Home Sarah was usually the first to greet her. Generally greeting people by forcing her kindness onto them in the shape of little treats, or small talk.

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