Chapter 191: Dragon Origin

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Ryoichi's blue eyes expanded like vast stars. He considered her offer and swiftly declined it.

"I can't..." Ryoichi didn't possess the strength to say anything else. He knew saying anything else would worsen Shinobu's mood. Not that she was ever in a good mood around him.

"You can't what?" Shinobu looked baffled. "Don't tell me you can't kill a baby?" Her voice throbbed with disappointment. "It's a fucking infant Ryoichi, don't tell me you are that weak?"

Ryoichi lowered his head like he usually would. He glanced at his sword Hikari and brushed his hand against the hilt. Ryoichi certainly didn't doubt his capabilities as a swordsman. If the situation called for it killing someone as vulnerable as an infant would be a simple task.

However, the act of murdering an innocent child seemed heinous to him, regardless if she possessed Fujiwara blood or not.

"It's not that my lady." Ryoichi mustered the courage to say. "It's just..."

Ryoichi dipped his head further as if peering into the ground. There was nothing he could say to combat Shinobu's foul temper. No matter what argument Ryoichi had to defend himself, Shinobu would tear it apart and strike his heart, knowing full well how to hurt him most.

"You are too soft Ryoichi." Shinobu criticized. "You're softness will one day get you killed." Shinobu's light voice hardened, and Ryoichi felt like he had been pelted by a shower of diamonds.

Shinobu stood up and grazed the room as if not wanting to entertain the conversation any longer.

Ryoichi watched her dive into her closet, sorting out various clothes to wear for the evening. As expected, Shinobu went for the most beautiful of her many kimonos. The Kimono was mostly white, with a dark interior with black feathers designed along with the cloth.

"What do you think Ryoichi? Do you think this will get Ryo's attention?" Shinobu asked.

Ryoichi was hesitant to give Shinobu an answer. He never understood her infatuation with Ryota. Sure, Ryota was a handsome man even among Fumiko standards, but his personality was more twisted than a snake's.

"It looks beautiful Lady Sugimoto..." Ryoichi said lightly. "Any man would be captivated by your charm the moment you walk in the room."

"Really?" Shinobu's black lips curled into a dark smile. "I was thinking the same thing."

Of course, Ryoichi couldn't lie. Shinobu was beautiful, no matter how vile her actions were. She was so beautiful that Shinobu considered it the most remarkable trait among her many bad ones.

But Shinobu's beauty wasn't anything outlandish among the people born into the Fumiko Clan.

Shinobu possessed the Fumiko's onyx hair and ice-blue eyes. She had an endowed figure with round hips and large breasts. She even had lush, full lips that she often coated with lipstick that complemented her expensive clothing.

However, Shinobu couldn't even hold a candle to Suzume or Ryoichi among the many beauties in the clan.

Suzume was considered a golden-child from the moment she was born. Even though she was the second child of the Former Fumiko Clan-Leader, Sayuri. Suzume came from a strong bloodline and was just as capable of becoming head of the Clan as Ryota.

Kiyoshi recognized this and wanted to raise Suzume as a warrior like Ryota, but Sayuri, following tradition, insisted Suzume be treated the same as every Fumiko woman.

To stand obediently and not be noticed unless attention is intentionally directed towards them.

But, much to Sayuri's dismay Suzume did attract a lot of attention. Hakuji was interested in her the moment their eyes met. Ryuzo even offered one of his sons to marry Suzume when she was of age, but Sayuri declined every offer that came their way.

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