Chapter 48: The Phoenix & The Sparrow

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Even at this very moment I can still remember the dryness of my mouth.

Heavy steps stumbled as leather boots sunk into the sand. The way they moved was a bit sluggish, and the appearance they held seemed run down. Light tears in the leather, and red stains forming so deep that they nearly fused with the material.

As a scorching wind came by small grains were blown by and stuck to the red stains.

I still remember how badly my skin burned.

Weary scarlet eyes shifted upwards in their drowsy state. The held an emptiness to them, reeking of fatigue, but also reflecting the spirit of a broken man.

They continued to stare forward, unblinking even with the scorching winds that carried sand throughout this wasteland.

The scarlet eyes moved upwards once more only to bring the rest of the body to a complete stop. Thin red rivers rolled down his sides from the sharp blades that were shoved deep into his skin.

The dark skinned man let out a troubled sigh, before allowing his mouth to quiver uncontrollably.


If I had only taken the words you said that day more seriously.

Then perhaps things wouldn't have turned out like this...

Current Day: May 18, 2013

"Let's talk" the words left Suzume's mouth easier than the previous time. However unlike the previous, her request seemed much more like a demand.


"Alright, lets go then." Ren had a stillness to his voice. A bit happier than before, but still lacked the usual excitement that he was known for.

Although that did seem to change when Suzume's fingers interlocked around his arm, as she brought herself closer to him. She wore a thin smile as she momentarily stared into his eyes.


She wanted to speak but found herself unable to, being reminded of the words her Mother would always tell her.

There is no point of you existing within this world.

The blue in her eyes faded as she stared emptily at the tile floor beneath them. The awkwardness between the two only became more obvious by the silence that they shared.

Suzume's fingers weakened as her grip on him quickly became unfastened. Ren glanced down at her only to see her bangs shielding the expression that she had. Instead he only witnessed her slowly walk forward creating a light tapping sound that echoed within the hallway.

"Suzume?" He called, but she didn't respond instead she continued walking towards stairwell.

Ren watched her for a few seconds trying to adjust his mind to what just happened. The tonal shifts shared between the two of them seemed frequent, at one moment Suzume seemed happier than ever before...and now...

It was becoming very difficult to read her.

Regardless Ren eventually followed only to be led outside. As he walked through the doorway he was immediately overtaken by the visual shift of the two environments.

The low quality dimness of the indoor school, and the abundant brightness of outdoors. Regardless as time went by the pain in his eyes faded, and slowly adjusted to the drastic change.

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