Chapter 71: A Dragon's Dream Part 1

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My entire life has been nothing but regrets...

"Sorry about earlier." Natsumi lowered her head, embarrassed by her own actions. She was known to have a short fuse, so it wasn't uncommon for Natsumi to lose herself in a fit of rage, especially when it came to Ren.

Erica looked away for a moment reflecting back on Natsumi's actions. It was rare for her to be hurt by anything, let alone a single punch. In an weird way Erica was impressed, it was clear to see Natsumi inherited her Mother's monstrous strength even if she wasn't aware of it. With a small tilt of her head Erica awkwardly smile, raising her hand only to bat away Natsumi's apology "No no its fine, I totally understand why you would be worked up."

The awkwardness of Erica's laugh permeated throughout the room, alleviating a bit of the tension. Although despite Erica's attempts soothe Natsumi's apologetic mind, she couldn't help but notice a deep sadness hidden within her eyes. It was the same look Erica would see on Irene time and time again, all the way up until her death.

With those thought in mind Erica's hands lightly clenched above the table while a stream of past emotions slowly began to resurface. Seeing Natsumi's face the way it was now felt nothing more but a constant reminder of Erica's biggest failure in life, to protect her family.

Erica couldn't even imagine the amount of pain Natsumi had to live through over the years. Trying to accept the horrible things that Irene had done, as well as living cautiously knowing full well that the Hero Association may come for both her and Ren's lives. The constant fear that she must have felt was incomprehensible. 

"Only if I found them sooner..." That was the only thought running through Erica's mind, while she drowned herself in sorrow and guilt. It was the only job Irene left both her and Itsuki before she died, it was a simple job but one that took her nearly a decade to accomplish.

Erica raised her head only to stare directly at Natsumi. The similarities Natsumi had to her Mother was almost uncanny. Their faces were nearly identical, both in shape and tone although Natsumi's skin was a bit paler. The only thing that set them apart was Natsumi's black hair, it had the same waviness as Irene's but the color was nowhere as resilient probably due to the cheap dye constantly staining it.

 "The one who should be apologizing is me" Erica's mouth straightened after muttering those words. But after saying them she couldn't felt but feel the weight upon her shoulders slowly being released.

Apologizing to Natsumi now almost felt trivial after all the damage had already been done. An apology would do nothing to erase the 12 years of hell Natsumi probably had to go through. 

And there wasn't anything Natsumi could say to erase the 12 years worth of guilt that has piled upon Erica in the meantime.

"You don't have to apologize for anything, you did what you needed to do." Natsumi's words were subtle and unexpected. Erica looked on with a skeptical stare, she wasn't entirely sure what Natsumi meant, but she couldn't help but be reminded of Irene. Knowing full well she probably would have said something similar.

Erica slightly altered her expression, trying her hardest to hide how baffled she was. Once again Erica tilted her head and spoke to Natsumi with shaky words "I haven't even told you what I was apologizing for."

There was a short pause and the tense air that Erica had originally alleviated returned. Although this time driven in a bit harder than before. Erica couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach just from staring at Natsumi.

The look Natsumi gave in return was much different as well. It was nearly as cold as Sayuri's stare, but also not as warm as Ren's. To put it bluntly, her stare was dark, darker than anything she had ever seen, but it didn't feel menacing. Simply jarring, enough to put anyone's nerves in a constant frenzy.

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