Chapter 44: The Things We Do For Love

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Blue eyes sparkled as two darting figures reflected from her irises. The figures moved quickly, slipping between the branches. As the shadows grew closer to one another the clangs of metal echoed in the area only to be followed by an array of sparks.

"So fast..."

The two shadows danced, going back and forth for a series of minutes before falling back only to land along the arm of a tree branch.

The young girl watched in awe as she examined the two individuals both holding a strong resemblance to one another. The woman stood of average height, and had a stern face. It was quite clear that she could be easy on the eyes if it weren't for the pestering scowl that always sat on her face. She had pearly white skin, and tinted gold eyes. They seemed to alter in brightness every now in then as they resonated with an unknown magical power.

The boy on the other hand held as many opposing traits to her as he did similarities. He stood in a thieves stance, holding a dagger in his left hand and a short swords in his other. Both blades appeared to be curved and had a dragon sigil placed along the metal.

His hair was tinted in a shade of blue so dark it could be mistaken to be black. His eyes on the other hand opposed this, holding a strong resemblance to the woman who stood against him. Being a shade of yellow that was pale but held a resilience to it.

The boy wore a thin smile with a playful edge to it, could tell by the way he carried himself that overconfidence simply brewed from him. His body was lean, but fit and he was much shorter than the average man. Being a few inches shy of six feet.

The two warriors stared at each other allowing their auras to exchange blows before settling down and falling into a faint rustle.

Suzume watched in silence completely taken aback by the wills she was seeing. From her view the two Fumikos were clad in a deep aura, the boy's falling into shades of purple while her Mother's a turbulent swarm of blue.

"They both have their Seikūken's up..."

Suzume continued to ponder in her thoughts as she watched carefully, making note of every moment the two took towards one another. The boy was the first to step forward, allowing his foot to fall into a daring lunge while on the other hand the woman gripped onto her long blade with the base of her hand.

It wasn't long until they jumped at each other immediately coming to an exchange of blows. Both warriors were impressive, but there were a few things Suzume noticed as she watched the iron bounce off of one another.

First, even though Ryota was much faster than Sayuri his movements were sporadic and lacked grace. While Sayuri's were much more defensive, and heavy.

It was clear who the victor was going to be as the two swordsman continued to fight. But Suzume still wished for the best, and kept her faith in her elder sibling.

Sayuri lunged forward pulling back her sword only to grip it at a reverse angle. Her face only seemed to harden as she pulled it from it's sheath, and struck at him solidly.

Ryota's body reacted quickly arching his back and raising his arms to block the heavy swing with his dual blades. Although due to the odd angle in which it was swung his body was forced back causing him to be elevated into the air.

Ryota's eyes gleamed as he gave her a stare of surprise but also confidence, which only brought slight concern to Suzume.

Ryota's body twisted as he turned backwards and landed clean on his feet only to slide a few inches more. He kept his sinful smile before charging in once more only to fight in a style that he was more adept at.

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