Chapter 103: A Girl Without Sorrow

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"This place never ceases to amaze me." 

Ren walked around observing his new surroundings. He lost, completely consumed by the sheer magnitude of the Vermillion home. Of course this wasn't the first time he had been there in fact he had visited the home two times before.

The first time when Sarah invited him over for dinner wishing to kill the hostility between Ren and Seth at the time. Although to Ren's recollection that plan didn't go as smoothly as Sarah  would've hoped.

The second time wasn't long after that. It was only a few weeks ago when Ren invited Sarah over to Erica's home for dinner. He hoped to talk to her about the Nyssa situation and seeing what she could do to allow Erica to visit Nyssa again.

But like the situation with Seth that dinner didn't go as smoothly as Ren originally had wanted.

Ren scratched his head at the thought. It was a bit of a bleak memory and not necessarily one Ren could look back on fondly. Everyone's emotions were at an all time high that night, and Erica's excessive drinking didn't help in stirring the discussion. 

But Ren's invitation here was a bit different than the last. Similar to the first time Ren was viewed as a guest and was granted the luxury to explore the home as much as he pleased. 

Ren's eyes glimmered  whenever he entered a new room. There was always a new sight to behold, from the golden dishes in the dining room, to the extravagant aisles of the library, Ren's amazement never ceased.

The longer Ren walked and observed the more strange Ren felt. Never in his entire life did Ren think he'd be in a home like this. Never in his did Ren think someone like him would be worthy enough to step into a home like this.

Ren slowed his pace looking down at the marble floors only to see his own reflection. Naturally Ren didn't see anything different, everything about himself was the same as it always was. But even then something felt a bit out of place.

Ren raised his head, batting away the feeling choosing to ignore it. He already knew what would come of him drowning within his own thoughts.

"Dammit Ren why are you acting so surprised for?" He asked himself still scanning his surroundings. The longer Ren looked the more foreign the room felt. Ren watched people walk in and out of the room continuously, all preforming a series of jobs just before they left. Whether it was mopping the marble floors, removing the trash, or even dusting off the statues.

Certainly Ren was aware that the Vermillion Family possessed maids and butlers, but actually seeing them in action was a show of its own. Each Butler seemed more serious than the last, taking care of the Vermillion valuables as if their lives depended on it. The Maids would also take on a similar act, also carrying serious expressions while traversing in and out of the rooms. Escorting materials that the Vermillion's may need later in the day.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"

Ren jumped slightly, the sudden questioning caught him off guard. Ren quickly spun to meet the gaze of a young maid. She looked to be only a few years older than himself and wore her kinky brown hair in a tightly knit bun. "Ah I..." Ren had zoned out for so long he forgot what his original purpose was.

The maid eyed Ren for a few seconds still wearing a curious smile "Can I see your pass?"

"A pass?" Ren's mind froze. He didn't know anything about a pass. What would he need a pass for? Just to visit the property? A series of questions rolled through Ren's mind before answering the Maid "What would I need a pass for?"

Almost instantly the Maid's smile faded, he had never seen someone switch from so joyful to so cold. Not even Suzume's moody behavior could mimic the hostility pouring from this woman. Ren took a step back a bit apprehensive, all Ren could sense from her was anger.

"I guess that means you don't have a pass then?" The Maid question forcing her cold stare onto Ren, as if expecting him to turn into a block of ice. Ren slowly shook his head "No, I don't I didn't think I needed one." 

The Maid closed her eyes as if attempting to quell her anger. Ren didn't fully understand why she'd be so angry, what was so special about this pass? A nervous sweat coursed down Ren's forehead while he reached for his wallet "I can buy one really fast if I have to me I don't mind. I didn't realize that things operate like this here." 

Ren fidgeted with his wallet for a moment, soon noticing he had no money "Fuck."

"I forgot with Erica not being here no one is around to give me an allowance..." 

"Sir, I'll have you know breaking into someone else's property is a grave offense." The Maid growled. Ren's eyes enlarged before turning around and waving his hands frantically "Wait wait wait! I didn't break in, I was invited!"

"Don't lie to me. Everyone knows the Young Masters do not associate with street rats." Ren felt his blood explode. "A street rat..." Ren mumbled, he hadn't been called anything of the sort since Seth, and even though they settled their difference Ren still did harbor some irritation with him.

The Maid's frown deepened. Ren could no longer sense hate from her but the hostility was still burning off her body like a black flame. "Someone of your stature wouldn't be invited into this home."

"My stature?" The constant insults were really getting under Ren's skin. What did this Maid know about him that would signify he wasn't worthy to be here. Ren's face coiled into a light frown while his skin reddened. "I was invited by Sarah Vermillion." 

The Maid's eyes snapped becoming fierce. "How dare you use the Young Master's name for your lies." all she could see was dishonesty. An excuse like Ren's had been used hundreds of times before. "The Young Master has already been disrespected enough, I will not allow her name to be dragged through the dirt any more than it already has." 

The hateful aura soon returned. It wasn't nearly as strong as the one Ren sensed from the Fumiko's, but it was more than enough to give Ren a gist of how she felt. It was obvious this Maid cared for both Seth as well as Sarah, no matter how hateful she may seem.

Sensing this Ren's anger dwindled. He hated the idea of him being viewed as a street rat. He hated that he was being looked down upon, and he hated being disrespected. However unlike the Maid Ren wasn't going to allow this hate consume him.

For a brief moment Ren thought about Seth, remembering the hurtful things he'd say not only to him but Sarah as well.

He called Sarah a fool.

He called Ren an ant.

He called Sarah a cunt.

He called Ren a monkey.

He called Sarah weak.

And he called Ren a filthy peasant.

Insults and degrading looks weren't anything new to Ren. Since arriving at Vermillion City those gestures were simply something Ren had to become used to. With a city that is looked at the hub of heroes. A city that has been viewed as the light of the world it should come to no surprise the egotist nature of its populist.

From the very moment Ren attended Goldendale it was obvious how different the school was from the one he used to attend. From the expensive uniforms, to the high class lunches, the vibe that the school gave off was different, and like the Vermillion home Ren could sense that odd feeling.

A feeling that didn't belong.

A feeling that haunted him day by day.

A feeling that Ren tried to ignore.

And even now this Maid was reminding Ren of it. Ren lowered his head once more staring down at the marble floors. Like before all he saw was himself, not a street rat, not a monkey, and not a feeble ant. Just himself, nothing more and nothing less.

Ren couldn't wrap his head around why someone would be treated differently just because of their upbringing. Whether they were born rich, or grew up poor. At the end of the day they were all people, many of which with aspirations similar to one another.

Ren continued to stare at himself his eyes as hard as diamonds. Sure from a single glance it was easy to see the differences between him and someone like Seth. Seth wore expensive clothing and share mannerisms similar to Arthur. Seth spoke better than Ren ever could. While Seth remained clean and kept, Ren looked average and dirty at least to the eye of someone with expensive taste.

But even then. Even with all those difference Ren still didn't see the things that the Maid called him. He still didn't see the street rat, or thief she claimed him to be. Instead himself, something he knew for himself to be.

"I am not a street rat." Ren mumbled, slowing raising his voice. The Maid stayed quiet keeping her silent scowl "Like I said before I was invited here by Sarah Vermillion. I am a guest and a friend of hers and I only expect to be treated as such." Ren let out a short huff, once again holding back his anger. Only allowing it to slip out subtly "And like you said for Sarah, I will not allow my name to be dragged through the dirt from a Maid that knows nothing."

"I am Renji Tachibana, nothing more and nothing less."

The Maid froze. Her eyes were like glass, hearing Ren's name seemed to struck a signal in her mind. Her mouth quivered ready to say something, but before she even could she was interrupted by the words of someone else.

"He's right. Sarah did invite him over, she tends to be fond of broken things." Seth said smugly. From the very moment he entered the room Ren could feel his presence. Even without him fully activating it Ren could sense his aura consuming the room like some sort of fog. Seth gave Ren a thin stare before looking over to the Maid with his usual serious glare "I thought Sarah would have informed you of Ren's arrival Ellie." 

"She didn't." Ellie said calmly, attempting to fix her worried look. Within moments her face was filled with regret "I thought Arthur dropped her off like before." 

"I see." Seth's glare evolved into a dissatisfied frown "We will be hosting Tachibana, Marx and the members of Blight for the next few hours. Be sure to treat them well, I can't imagine Sarah wanting it any other way." 

Ren and Ellie both shared the same look. It was a bit shocking to hear Seth say anything of the sort, in fact Ren was expecting him to rag on him just like the previous times. But instead it was the opposite, Ren even gazed around feeling Seth's aura swarming. It wasn't nearly as cold as it used to in fact it feels more mellow than ever before.

"Maybe he's changed more than I thought..."

"I'm sorry." Ellie quickly bowed "If I knew you were Ren I wouldn't have said all those awful things." 

Ren stayed quiet for a moment waiting for Ellie to lift her head. Once she did he gave her a glass smile "It's fine. But you shouldn't say that to anyone regardless of who they are." Ellie regretfully nodded "I understand..." Ellie traded a look with Seth before shying away. 

"Is Sarah still in the garden?" 

Ellie slowly nodded "She has been there for some time now. However I am sure Eve is keeping her company."

"Eve?" Ren raised a brow "Who the fuck is Eve?"

"I'll handle escorting our guest then." Ellie quickly shook her head "No Young Master I can handle-" 

Seth waved his hand and gave her a dense smile "It's fine Ellie, you've done enough for Sarah. I can handle this." With those orders Ellie once again bowed and left the room leaving Seth and Ren to stand their alone.

Ren watched Ellie leave dumbfounded, he couldn't possibly believe what he was seeing. Seth being nice? Seth being a good person? Of course Ren understood Seth had changed but he never imagined to this extent. In fact he wasn't entirely sure if it was even possible with how twisted Seth was only a few months ago.

"You really are and idiot Tachibana." 

"Eh?" Perhaps Ren spoke too soon.

Seth folded his arms and his smile faded into a cold stare "I didn't stutter, you are an idiot. Just what do you think you are doing wandering around someone else's home like this?"

Ren scratched his cheek. He had forgotten wandering around without permission can be viewed as rude, but it was hard to skip out on a opportunity like this. The Vermillion home was far larger than any house he had ever seen. Even bigger than the Fumiko home. "I actually got lost...I was looking for the garden but wasn't able to find it."

Seth let out a soft sigh before face palming "I figured. To you this place must be pretty big, I suppose I can understand why someone like you could end up getting lost." 

Ren remained puzzled "Big, like me..." he was slowly piecing everything together. Then the answer became obvious "HEY WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!"

Seth's face didn't change in the slightest "Isn't it obvious? It's because you are short."

Ren felt a vein in his forehead burst with that comment. "Why does everyone take jabs at my height..."

(Author's note: Ren is 5'5, while Seth is 5'11) 

"I knew something like this was going to happen." Seth admitted "I figured I should go after you before you accidentally fall into a crack and die."

"Just how short do you think I am!" Ren snapped.

"Short enough why I can't see you."

Ren pouted tired of Seth's bullshit. "For fucks sake...if you just plan on insulting me then why did you even help me to begin with."

Seth's look finally changed. He stayed quiet for a moment thinking over it, in fact he had little reason to help Ren. Ren was loud and annoying, and Ren Seth knew his involvement somehow caused Sarah's paralysis. But still he felt inclined to step in. 

Seth's eyes narrowed becoming gloss like thinking back to the lessons that their Mother bestowed onto them. How she valued the lives of every individual within Vermillion City regardless of their status. Seth then remembered how well Sarah retreated Ren and frowned a bit annoyed.

"I don't think I'd be able to face my Mother if I let something like that continue any longer."

"Your Mother?" Ren had only heard about Seth and Sarah's mother once. Sarah mentioned her getting killed in a gang accident but never went into any detail about it. So with a curious stare Ren watched Seth expecting an answer.

"You probably shouldn't keep Sarah waiting." But he didn't there was no reason for him to dig up such dark memories. "Come on, I'll show you the way little rodent."


It didn't take long for the two to reach the Garden. It was located on the opposite side of the Vermillion manor, it was a vast amount of land extending towards the emerald valley and the sapphire ocean in the distance. 

Ren looked around once again taken aback by the vastness and beauty of the household. There wasn't a single home Ren had seen that replicated the beauty found in this. While Ren's eyes danced he noticed the garden, it was still fairly large in scale but much more contained than what Ren originally expected. There were hedges filled with roses at every stop. Massive trees harboring fresh fruit, and a multitude of animals playing throughout the garden. Ren noticed smaller dogs racing around chasing rabbits. Humming birds blitzing through the air readying themselves to dance, and koala's chilling in the trees taking their afternoon nap. 

Seth looked around before noticing a few figures in the distance "Ah Sarah is over there." Seth pointed. Ren looked over his vision was a bit better than Seth's he noticed Sarah sitting in front of a strange stone, with a massive beast beside her. Then a woman dancing around Sarah similar to that of a child.

Ren could only assume this was the Eve he had heard so much about.

"Although it might be best to wait because-"

"SARAH!" Ren screamed quickly grabbing her attention "ARE YOU FEELING BETTER I AM SORRY ABOUT BEFORE I CAME TO-" 

Seth quickly covered Ren's mouth putting an end to his obnoxious behavior "You dumb cunt. Didn't I just say to wait."

Ren murmured.

Seth couldn't understand what Ren was trying to say, but looked at him disgusted "You are an idiot you know that. If you yell like that you'll startle..."


Seth stopped. It didn't take much for him to recognize that sound. Ren's mumbling fell silent as well, while the two simultaneously looked over to see a massive beast running their direction.

Seth quickly let go of Ren sensing the threat "This is why I told you not to'll rile up Mercy." 

"Mercy? What the fuck is a Mercy!" Ren shouted looking at the Wolf charging at them "That's our guard dog Mercy."

Ren's eyes grew large before taking a double take "THAT'S A DOG! IT'S A BIG AS A CAR!" Seth scratched his forehead "Well no, actually Mercy is a Dire Wolf. But still she's rather playful since she is still a puppy."

Ren's eyes bulged out their sockets "How is that a puppy...she's giant." 

Seth slowly stepped back "It doesn't matter..." 

Mercy quickly pounced at the ground barking with excitement. Ren took a quick look at Seth only seeing fear steaming from his face. Never in his life has he seen Seth look remotely scared, but now it was as present as day. "If you value your life you best run." Seth took off sprinting in the opposite direction while Ren was a bit slow to react.

"Wait wait wait! HUH!" Ren stumbled to get up while Mercy narrowed her body bolting at him even faster. Ren could feel the ground rumbling with each tremor caused by the wild beast. Guided by reflex jets of fire burst from Ren's feet propelling him upward. "If I am in the air then I should be alright..."

Mercy noticed this and barked leaping into the air as well like a dog trying to catch a Frisbee. Ren's face grew pale, seemingly not fully understanding the danger of the situation until everything eased in.

Ren had a few options. 

He could fight the wolf. Even if it was strong Ren doubted it would be as strong as himself.

Ren thought about running from it, but still Mercy seemed quick enough to catch Ren no matter how far he ran. 

So Ren chose the third option, the only logical thing someone would do when a giant beast is only a few feet from chomping you.

Ren screamed. All he could do was scream, Ren screamed until his lungs gave out, and screamed until his face was as red as blood. 

"Mercy stop it bad girl!" Soon Mercy's expression changed, she no longer looked nearly as playful and seemed more passive landing back on the ground in a sitting position. Ren immediately recognized it as Sarah's voice, a stiff shout from half a mile away.

Ren let out a tiresome wheeze. Screaming that hard took everything out of him, nearly enough to make Ren faint. Ren's jets soon dispersed allowing him to fall to the ground in a sweaty panic.

Mercy stared down at Ren seemingly smiling as if aware she made Ren nearly piss himself.

"...This dog is evil."

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