Chapter 112: Little Nat

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When Irene closed her eyes the memories of her past gradually came to a close. Ending as quickly as they started.

When Irene finally reopened her eyes the world around her had changed. It had reverted back to the tranquil environment that she remembered, the peaceful Vermillion City.

Even though Irene had returned back to the physical world with her mind still intact Michael wasn't so lucky. The calm demeanor he had exerted for awhile now slowly crumbled, making him resemble a gray husk rather than a man.

The serenity of Irene's expression didn't waver in the slightest of Michael's decrepit state. In fact it was the reaction she expected to see. She stepped forward giving him a harsh stare looking down on him the same way Kazuto had done to her many times before.

"So let me ask you again, do you believe you are truly free?" Even without looking directly at her Michael could feel her fixated stare. Her simply looking at him made Michael feel like their were boulders resting on his shoulders. The swiftness of her voice cut him like a sword, and left him unable to do nothing but think.

"Freedom..." It was a question that rested in his mind for awhile now. A question that plagued him even more so after seeing the relationship between Irene and her family. To some the idea of freedom was nothing more than a simple idea. A concept that everyone wished for but no one could ever hope to achieve.

"What does it mean to truly be free..." Michael sunk his head, allowing his shameful expression to be protected by the length of his flowing hair.

Michael thought about the visions Irene showed him. From her time at the Dragon Temple, to her first interactions with Kazuto, and even her life currently. There was never an instance that allowed her to be as free as she wanted. At every moment she was fulfilling some sort of role. For Kazuto, to be a Wife and a Mother to this prophesied child of light, and for the Hero Association to become the next symbol of peace.

It was because of these roles that Irene believed she wasn't free. That she was being shackled down to the world because of these responsibilities that have been placed on her shoulders. But it was because of these responsibilities that Michael couldn't help but think that Irene couldn't be anymore wrong.

Michael lowered his head even more before frowning. He could feel the strength he had lost returning. Giving life to the limbs that had suddenly lost it. "Pathetic..." The crushing blow Irene gave him was easily shaken off, feeling like nothing more than a weak jab. A comment like that, no a question like that wouldn't be strong enough to break him.

After all he was the hero that this city needed, and there wasn't anyone else in the world that was more free than him.

With the power returning to his mouth Michael opened it letting his voice out. "There is no need to bombard me with such trivial questions." Michael's bangs moved revealing is kingly glare. Irene looked a bit baffled, astonished by the sturdiness of Michael's mind. Michael roughly ran his hand through his hair slicking his hair back keeping his usual scowl. "The path of a hero is the freest of them all, anyone who thinks otherwise is-"

"Is what?" Irene snapped. Once again Irene's blue glare and Michael's red glare clashed with one another spewing forth a shower of sparks. "A fool?" Irene questioned "You aren't going to tell me that someone being forced into a position they don't want to be in is anything close to being free!" Irene began to raise her voice causing the ground to rumble.

It was at that moment that Zhu Li placed her and on Irene's shoulder in an attempt to reel her in "Irene calm down, there is no need to get worked up over this..."

Irene's mind quivered slightly at the sound of her friend's voice. Irene looked around noticing that her blue flames were beginning to affect the Earth. Between the cracks of the fractured ground her azure flames were slipping through.

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