Chapter 88: The Wolf With Devil's Blood

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"It's hard to believe isn't it?" The Maiden's face softened while she stared at Makoto and Ikumi from afar. As usual her stare was difficult to read, but to Ren it almost seemed nostalgic, as if the Maiden was reminiscing about her own life. 

A life of freedom.

A life of simplicity.

Ren could see it just from her eyes alone this was the life the Maiden desired. The life that she probably wanted at some point.

"It is..." Ren looked on with a similar stare. He didn't have much context on the relationship between Makoto and Ikumi. Of course they were siblings, but not all relationships created by blood were built the same.

Ren knew this, he witnessed it first hand when being in the same room as Sarah and Seth. Even though their relationship has vastly improved since then, no one could forget that at one time they hated each other.

However Ren didn't get that vibe while watching Makoto and Ikumi. To him their bond seemed much stronger than Seth and Sarah's, and more akin to his relationship with Natsumi. A bond so strong that it pushes the boundaries of what it means to be siblings.

"Oi Mako your legs dead yet or what?" 

Ren raised a brow, this didn't make any sense. 

Ikumi was speaking in a language unknown to him. But still somehow Ren understood it, the phonetic structure of the language was far different from English. It seemed broken, and almost brutish as if combining multiple Asian languages into one. 

At first it was a bit jarring, as it would to anyone hearing a new language for the first time. Especially one that Ren never knew existed, but after some time Ren gradually grew accustomed to it.

"Nah nah, I can keep going." Makoto circled around before turning and eyeing the cliff's edge. This was a place he had come to often, although this was the first time Ikumi has joined him "I just wanted to show you something before we went back."

"Eh? Show me something?" Ikumi paused for a moment, before looking around. The scenery didn't seem much different than what she was used to. Throughout the entire island there was a vast amount of land, plains for miles and a desolate sea that would expand as far as the eye could see.  "Well what is it?"

Makoto motioned for Mei to come closer "Hurry hurry, we don't have all day."

Ikumi's face shifted into a light frown before coming closer. She unfortunately didn't share the same bubbly attitude as Makoto. It only took a few steps for her to clear the distance, bringing her close to the cliff's edge.

At first glance Ikumi saw nothing just a blue sea that seemingly continued forever. Although beautiful it was something she had seen her entire life, and was nothing to be excited over.

Ikumi gave Makoto a harsh stare before slapping his shoulder hard "Mako why are you wasting my time with this?" 

"Ow" Makoto rubbed his shoulder before grabbing a hold of her's and faced Mei towards the ocean once more "Look carefully, if you focus enough you should be able to see it." With her vision narrowed Ikumi's eyes dilated preforming a similar mutation to that of Kuso users. 

Although similar Ren could immediately spot the differences. Unlike Kuso users Ikumi's eyes did not change color, only shape. A dark marking formed around Ikumi's giving her an appearance similar to that of a leopard. 

"What is she doing?" Ren questioned while observing her, it was difficult to tell if this was Ikumi's inherent ability or some other ability she had long discovered. The Maiden remained silent for a moment, taking a few seconds to break away from her nostalgic stare. "Enhancing her vision."

"The Fujiwaran people are loved by Nature. So the world provided them with natural gifts...this is one of them." Ren tilted his head, a bit intrigued. He knew very little about the Fujiwaran people. In most instances they were spoken about in a very negative light, with most people calling them Devils. This was the firs time he ever heard anyone talk about them being loved by anything...

"That Kuso of yours..." The Maiden called "It's not too different from what my people were capable of."

"My people?" Ren repeated, each time a question was answered another one would soon replace it. He had already asked the question before, and didn't receive a straight answer. But with how things have been, and a small remarks made here and there by the Maiden Ren couldn't help but wonder if he was getting closer to learning about who she really is.

"Who are you?" It didn't take much for Ren to pop the question. Although not entirely important it was one posed on his mind for awhile now. This woman has been living his mind for god knows how long, and still Ren knew nothing about her.

"You seem fond of this Era. You speak highly of the Fujiwaran people and even address them as your own." Ren spilled "Who exactly are you, and why do you continue to show me these things?"

The Maiden froze, she must have realized she said too much. The Maiden shook her head, still not willing to answer.

"Why won't you tell me who you are?" Ren questioned, he knew her identity held little importance. But still it was a question that was beginning to annoy him. Constantly she'd taunt him with memories, normally bad ones. But now once things seem relatively tame she still chooses to not reveal the truth.

The amount of questions still left to be answered was frustrating.

The Maiden stared off at the vast ocean once again. Holding a similar nostalgic stare to before, although this time she didn't look all too thrilled. Without saying anything Ren could read the emotions transmitted from her eyes.

They were heavy filled to the brim with regret.

As if wanting to undo whatever action that was made.

Eventually The Maiden stared at Ren directly, only to meet his confused gaze. It was clear to Ren whatever she saw was much more than his simple appearance, but whatever it was led to the Maiden's answer.

"It's too early."

"Once you learn a little bit more about the world maybe you'll come to understand who I truly am." 

Even though his question was still not answered somehow he felt satisfied with her response. For once she seemed genuine as if not trying to toy with him, similar to how both she and Mei had done in the past.

No, she was different from Mei in this regard. Ren couldn't imagine Mei being regretful for anything, considering she doesn't do anything that doesn't somehow benefit herself.

The Maiden was different in this regard. Choosing not to tell Ren was a choice made by her will alone, not something backed by ulterior motives.

"Can you see it? The thing that they see?" The Maiden questioned. Ren raised his head pulling it away from the deep thoughts within his mind. He focused his vision even activated Kuso to enhance it. Similar to Ikumi, at first Ren saw nothing but after repeated viewings what Makoto saw now became more clear.

It was a ship, a large metallic vessel with a large symbol painted on the side. It was a woman with a blindfold, holding two objects in her opposing hands. In one hand a scale and in the other a sword.

Although not commonly shown, Ren did recognize this symbol from his textbooks it was the old insignia for the Hero Association around 30 years ago. Meaning that if the Hero Association was still using it at this point, then these memories occurred long before both Ren's and Natsumi's birth.

"Foreigners..." Ikumi growled before stepping back, she had every right to be apprehensive. On this island the only people who came to it were the Fumiko who constantly tried to slaughter them. But it had been over 200 years since an incident like that has occurred.

"Oi Mako we should head back, and tell the others." 

"Nah" Makoto sat down, watching the ship slowly come there way in the distance. It would still be a few hours before the ship would ever dock, and even then there was still a chance the ship would head off to another neighboring island.

"Huh? What do you mean nah? Don't you understand what this could mean?" Ikumi shouted. Makoto looked off peacefully, he didn't seem to bothered with the idea of foreigners coming to their land. "Let them come."

Makoto pulled his legs closer to his chest "It has been over 200 years since anyone has come to the island. Doesn't the idea of seeing people from a land far from here excite you?" Makoto questioned. "There are many things about the world we don't know, this may be our only chance to ever learn about it."

"..." Ikumi sighed, her brother had always been an odd ball. Way too calm when the situation called for him to be more serious "You sound like the woman from the Elder's tales."

"Homura, that foolish child who left with half of our clan over 200 years ago."

Makoto smiled somewhat before leaning over "Ah, well she sought her dreams to the end right?" Makoto's voice then fell into a whisper "Perhaps she had the right idea, our clan should have left this island all those years ago."

"Because then there wouldn't be people like us, yearning to see what the world has to offer."

Ren's eyes widened, he heard it before. Words that were similar to Makoto's. A dream going along the same line of thinking as his...

Irene's, Erica had told him about her desire to see the outside world. How she was tired of living at the Dragon Temple for all her life. 

It was that shared dream that probably brought his parents together.

"..." Ren took a step forward, but was immediately shoved back by a deep pain. The pain was similar to before, a rippling feeling akin to a headache. The same feeling he'd have whenever the black aura would consume him, or when his mind was being pulled out of a vision/dream.

"...Wait not yet" The first contradiction. Ren originally lost interest in learning the truth about his lineage, but after hearing his Father speak about his dream he couldn't help but become more intrigued. 

The Maiden peered towards Ren, she also seemed surprised by Ren's sudden rejection. As if another force was trying to pull him out.

"So even now you try to stop me." The Maiden's words were similar to Mei's. As if irritated by this unknown force, this force that was clashing alongside the Maiden's will. The scenery built by the vision began to crumble, causing the area to fade to black.

"What's going on..."

Ren turned towards the Maiden, it was the first time he ever felt the desire to reach for her. But all he saw was a swarm of darkness forming behind her. The nostalgic stare that Ren felt sympathy for had long faded. Now the Maiden stood reclaiming her title of bringer of darkness, with a tornado of shadows billowing behind her. 

"He hasn't even seen the truth yet...I will not let you take him." 

".....!" An odd sound echoed in the distance.

Ren didn't know what it was, but it sounded more beast like than human.

It was then, where Ren noticed a new expression on the Maiden's face for the first time. Something along the lines of fear, and anger. This was also one of the many times the Maiden resembled Mei, someone perhaps Ren shouldn't trust. Or just someone to be weary of.

The Maiden reached her hand out sending forth a wave of darkness along with it. But before it could come in contact with Ren, a crack formed between them.

"....!" A crack followed with a howl. A loud howl that shook the endless void. With a solemn stare, Ren watched the crack expand before shattering that reality entirely. Releasing a massive beast that crouched before him.

A beast that Ren had seen long ago.

A blue wolf.

The beast howled once more, pushing the shadows back before striking the Maiden. To Ren it was clear this clash between the Wolf and Unnamed Maiden wasn't the first to occur. It was a power struggle, as if two sides of him was trying to obtain control.

The Maiden hissed at the beast, before being struck once more. The Wolf charged at her relentlessly, nipping, and tearing without any sort of hesitation. As if trying to leave her as a mauled piece of flesh.

After some time the hissing stopped and so did the Wolf's assault. Ren felt his body regain its control and he stepped back. Only for the beast to step forward, it had blood staining its fur and appeared vicious. But there was no hostility directed towards Ren, so with a simple almost playful trot the wolf made it's way towards him.


Then proceeded to lick him, leaving slobber across his cheeks. With a disgusted stare Ren pushed the wolf away "Ew stop." The Wolf then stepped back before circling him and sniffing around his body.

"What are you doing? Why did you attack her?" Ren questioned.

But the wolf didn't answer.

No, it was more like it couldn't. The wolf nipped at Ren's shirt before turning away and trotting as if motioning for him to follow. 

Ren didn't say much, nor thought much he simply followed. With the Maiden of Darkness seemingly gone there wasn't much Ren could really do. So he did, for a period of seconds Ren followed after the Wolf only to see a faint light in the distance.

"An Exit?" The light grew bigger and eventually consumed him.

When Ren awoke all he saw was darkness. This darkness however wasn't as sinister as the one present within his own mind, it was merely the darkness of the night. 

"...I am back?" 

Ren looked around the area had changed, blue flames had formed a circle along the ground around him as if some sort of protective ring. On the outside of the ring was Mei, her face visibly angered, and her hands burnt badly.

Similar to when they fought.

"Even now, she still won't let me show you everything..."

Words similar to the Maiden, somehow Mei and her must be connected.

Ren didn't understand what Mei was referring to, but this person Mei was referencing and the Wolf must also be connected. With a tiresome sigh, Ren felt most of the energy he had leave his body causing him to collapse.

"...In due time. I'll make sure you know everything Tachibana Renji" With those final words Mei departed fading into the darkness as if rejected by the world itself.

Chapter End.

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