Chapter 6: Bonds That Run Deeper Than Blood

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A thin smoke cloud rose to the surface of the white colored ceiling. A woman with long raven colored hair sat on a stool holding a small cell phone to her ear. Each time she spoke a huff of smoke escaped her lips filling the room in eye watering ash.

"That does sound like a pretty complicated situation."

On the other end of the phone a boy with navy blue hair stood in his room speaking emotionally. He seemed very invested in his plan as he explained it to his elder sister. "That's why I called you, I wanted to get your insight on the situation."

Natsumi's delicate fingers pressed against her pale skin as she tapped her cheek "My insight? I'm surprised you even bother calling for advice like this." She pulled the cigarette bud from her mouth and grinded it against the ashtray putting the flame out. "What is Erica's view on all of this?"

Ren spoke awkwardly and began to rub the back of his head "Um she doesn't want me to get involved, she says that the Fumiko's aren't ones to mess with."

"Then I think you should do that. She went out of her way to take you into her own house and even provide for you. Don't you think it would be a bit disrespectful to disobey her wishes. Besides I'd imagine if she doesn't want you to get involved she must have good reason for doing so."

"But at the same time I know how you are so I won't hold you to it."

"Aside from that how's school, have you met any cute girls yet?"

Ren sat on his bed and looked around his room not saying anything for a few seconds. "I haven't really looked, Besides I don't go around searching for women like you do."

Natsumi frowned as a light blush formed on her cheeks "S-shut up you don't have to word it like that."

"You dodged my question, I asked how was school?"

"It's fine..."

"You don't sound to thrilled." Natsumi questioned.

The tone of Ren's voice immediately changed becoming happy and energized "Oh what are you talking about I'm having such a great time here. I've made a friend and every day has been eventful."

"Good, I'm glad you are having fun. Anyways it's getting late and I have a few things I need to do so I'll talk to you later."

"I love you"

Before Ren could even respond Natsumi hung up, he held his phone right against his ear and his eyes sank. "I miss you a lot Natsumi..."

Meanwhile on the other side of the door Erica stood in the hallway. She didn't seem to be purposely listening to the conversation, but was able to due to her enhanced hearing.

"Mama what's wrong?" Nyssa asked, she was dressed in reptile like pajamas and looked to be heading to bed. Erica shook her head and smiled "It seems like Ren might be a little homesick that's all." She kneeled over and played with her daughter's hands "how about me and you tomorrow go to the store and buy something to make him feel better?"

The green haired child nodded happily which made Erica smile even more "Good, now lets get you in bed."

The following day

"You sure about this?"

"Of course I am, you saw that giant gash on her shoulder yesterday didn't you?" Ren snapped "We can't let this go on for any longer, she'll end up dying if we don't step in."

Dustin adjusted his red frame glasses and let out a heavy sigh "I get where your coming from, but what's the point in helping someone who doesn't want our help."

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