Chapter 124: Ren's Choice

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"...Fuck." It was the only Ren could say. It was the only word that had enough strength to crawl from the depths of Ren's throat. As more words continued to climb Ren's boiling anger climbed up along with it "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

"Why?" Ren snapped "Why me? Why do I have to sacrifice myself just to get my little sister back. Why can't you just give her back to me?" Ren's wrath flowed like a raging tide, crashing everywhere without a single target in sight. "I don't get why you insist on continuing to act like a complete prick."

Ren let out a steaming sigh billowing his anger. But doing this only added more fuel to the fire. "I'm not going to ask you again." Ren's voice changed, growing a bit deeper and far more stern. "Give Nyssa back to me." Ren raised his hand extending it as if waiting to accept a gift.

Ren wasn't going to take no for an answer even if it meant he'd have to take her back by force. Even if it meant he'd have to fight the strongest hero of this generation.

Mei raised her head slightly abandoning her exaggerated frown in exchange for a venomous smirk. The look Ren had reminded her of herself, not willing to submit to anyone regardless of the power of the foe. "Good..." She thought "This is the will of a King."

Unlike Ren and unlike Mei, Michael's expression did not change. He kept his usual pompous smirk followed by a wave of light. Even under these circumstances an everlasting glow seemed to be present on his body. An endless glow that was carried by his confident smile.

"No, I already made you an offer you cannot refuse." Michael lowered one of his hands and placed it on his hip. "An easy solution end your futile search for Nyssa, while simultaneously unburdening her of her own sins." Michael's smile brightened producing a glow akin to a divine light. "Do as you as you're told boy. Accept this compromise as a generous gift, I am rarely this nice to criminals."

"Criminals..." Ren growled, noticing Michael's arrogant stare. A cold stare. A stare that looked at Ren as if not even acknowledging him as human. Ren bit his tongue and felt his chest tighten. "That's all you think of us as?" Ren asked the question despite already knowing the answer. Michael had long explained his distaste for Nyssa for what she had done. Then likewise with his feelings towards Ren.

Ren was the son of a sinner.

Nyssa was an abomination who had sinned.

In Michael's eyes both Ren and Nyssa were no different than any other criminal. Any other villain who tried to cause havoc, and any other vigilante to defied Michael's justice.

As if guiding a wave of silence Michael slowly raised his arm pointing a single finger at Ren. Even though he said nothing Michael's glare told Ren everything he needed. The only answer that Michael could give.

Michael's verdict, was death.

Once coming to that conclusion Ren was struck by an attack he couldn't see. An attack so fast that Ren's Kuso couldn't even keep up with it. Within a fraction of a second Ren stumbled back feeling his shoulder grow heavy and eventually go numb.

"He hit me..?" Ren's mind was still suspended in disbelief "How did I get hit..?" he couldn't process it. The idea of being hit by something so fast that even Kuso couldn't catch it. To be hit by something that was invisible even to a gifted eye.

As Ren fell back he saw Michael's angelic smile. Large and wide like an expansive arch. "Just a taste..." Michael muttered, reminding Ren that this was only a taste of what he was capable of. Once again solidifying the distance between Ren currently and the Number One Hero.

"Ugh..." Ren stopped himself by hooking his feet, allowing his Phoenix talons to pierce through his shoes and sink into the tile floor. Just by a wave of his feet the flames that erupted incinerated Ren's shoes turning them to ash.

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