Chapter 2: Goldendale Academy

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Heavy feet dragged against the sidewalk, kicking up gravel with each step. Ren strolled, making his way towards the white car parked on the side of the road. He wore a stoic expression making it challenging to read the emotions he was feeling at the moment.

"With the way how you were acting a few days. I thought you'd have second thoughts about showing up."

Ren took a deep breath before shaking his head. "Second thoughts? Nah, but I did promise Natsumi I'll attend Goldendale and become a pro hero so I can repay her for everything she's done."

Erica gracefully smiled before turning her body and opened up her door. "If that's the case, then let's get going shall we?"

Ren nodded before turning back to see Natsumi watching him from the window, gently waving to him.

"I promise I won't disappoint you." Ren thought to himself as he stared back at her and waved goodbye. It was the first time he was leaving his sister's care, and the first time he was going to see the world outside of this shitty town. Although he was a bit sad for their sudden separation, he was also very excited knowing that his adventure was finally about to begin. "Goodbye Natsumi, i promise I'll make you proud..."

The engine of the car roared, sending echoes throughout the old neighborhood. Crows took flight from the trees, becoming started by the harsh sound and disappeared into the horizon.

Erica's sharp teeth formed into a grin as she slammed her foot onto the peddle and sent the car flying down the road.

After about 3 hours, they finally made it to Vermillion City, where Goldendale Academy was located.

Ren had heard of Vermillion city hundreds of times up until now. He heard of it being considered the home of heroes and the safest place in the world.

Most of the people in the city were wealthy business owners, prominent representatives, or well-respected heroes. After briefly gazing at Erica's home and its scale, it was pretty evident to Ren she fell in one of those three categories.

With a quick flick, bright lights turned on, illuminating a living room in a golden glow. The place was nicely furnished, filled with leather couches, a large TV, and various picture frames along the walls. Ren's eyes scanned the entire room and were utterly enthralled by how large the home was.

"Just make yourself at home, this is where you'll be living until you graduate." Erica then glanced over at the hallway to see a shadowy figure moving in the corner. Her brown eyes narrowed, and her voice became tense, "Stay back."

She pushed Ren behind her and walked towards the hallway before the figured stepped out, revealing itself to be a very young girl with emerald hair and red eyes. She also had sharp teeth similar to Erica and was holding a lizard stuffed animal in her hands.

Erica's entire body softened, and she placed her hand on her hip and leaned to the side. "Nyssa aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"I got scared, I smelled someone new come in."

Erica paused for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. She looked over to Ren, who looked as baffled as Nyssa. "My bad I guess I didn't tell you that I have a kid. I messaged the babysitter on the way here that she could leave since we were so close by..." She leaned over and placed her hand on Nyssa's back and pushed her forward.

"It isn't a problem I get along pretty well with kids." Ren told her happily. He then walked over to the little girl and grinned. "My name is Renji, you can call me Ren if you'd like. Your mommy is training me so I'll be crashing here for awhile."

The young girl still seemed a bit suspicious of him, but Ren simply lifted his hand, and a dark red flame ignited on all of his fingers and changed shape, spelling out her name.

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