Chapter 53: The Black Aura

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"Count me in"

These were the words that escaped Ren's mouth as his body trembled.

Suzume heard his words and immediately looked back to see the odd smile on his face.

His smile seemed a bit too eager, almost as if he weren't his own.

"Renji?" She called, her voice wasn't too loud but still loud enough for him to grab his attention.

He peered downward only to meet her ice filled gaze. She seemed concerned, which wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

Suzume seemed to always worry about things, whether it was better or for worse.

Ren on the other hand seemed to be reacting completely different. The concept of Aura immediately grabbed his attention, an the idea of fighting only made his blood boil.

Normally the idea of fighting never brought him this much excitement. But this time was different...

His body was aching for a fight...

It had been months since his match with Seth, and the daily sparring matches with Erica was no longer capable of keeping his emotions at bay.

He wanted to strike something, to strike someone so his emotions can run free.

For him to finally vent all of his frustrations with a few hits.


Bressi's voice roared throughout the room bringing all the students to their feet. They all seemed to shoot up in unison, similar to that of a general leading a battalion.

Bressi paced back and forth as he eyed the students, allowing himself to get a pretty good look at all of them.


"Why is he yelling"  one of the students muttered

"It feels like he's going to break my ears" another student admitted.

The ramblings of the students continued before Bressi's pungent voice burst through the air like an explosion.


The students went silent, not a single person was brave enough to speak.

Bressi stared at the mute crowd in awe. He was expecting some sort of reaction from them, but instead he received nothing but jolted stares.

He lowered his hands to his side before deciding to continue with his lecture.


His voice sent ripples throughout the room causing the bleachers to sway from right to left.

Ren looked around with a nervous sweat rolling down his cheek.

"Jesus this guy really is amped..."

He then glanced over at Dustin who's ears were already bleeding.

Regardless the rest of the students remained quiet, not putting nearly as much energy into it as Bressi.

The professor's mouth twitched as thick veins formed along his narrow scalp.

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon