Chapter 136: Sacrifices

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Natsumi's eyes gripped onto Yushirou like a wolf's jaws. Swearing to never let go as long as she possessed the power to do so. Yushirou on the other hand remained silent, never wavering before his captain even though he just had suggested the unthinkable.

"You want me to kill Ren...?" Natsumi couldn't believe it, she couldn't even fathom why Yushirou would even consider asking her something like that. To kill Ren, to cause him any sort of harm...something like that just seemed too foreign. For her entire life Natsumi never had a reason to lay her hands on him. Even when she taught Ren the basics of fighting just so he'd be able to defend himself Natsumi never willed herself to personally hit him. "That's just wrong..."

Too wrong in fact. To kill your own kin was inhumane. Something far too cruel for Natsumi to even consider even with her hardened heart. "How could you even ask me something like that?" Natsumi asked pushing her fangs deeper into Yushirou's mind "What do you take me for some kind of butcher?" Natsumi patiently waited for an answer but the answer she received wasn't even close to what she had expected. "I guess you could say that. You tried to kill Erica didn't you isn't she also your family?"

That minor jab rekindled Natsumi's fire causing her to flare out like a poorly built fire pit. "That's not the fucking point!" Natsumi quickly felt her blood rush to her head ready to ooze out like flowing magma. She felt so hot, fueled by so much anger that she was sure if Arthur wasn't standing beside her she may have murdered Yushirou then and there. Natsumi gripped onto Yushirou's collar using her newfound strength to lift him a few inches off the floor. "You know damn well I've never had a close relationship to Erica. Regardless of what she may have felt, or what you may feel for my Mother that doesn't mean any of us are family!"

Seeing how heated Natsumi was getting Arthur slowly intervened. He knew it wasn't his place to say anything, but fearing what was to become of Yushirou Arthur thought it best to speak now rather than later. "Natsumi calm down." he begged "It was just a stupid suggestion, I don't think Yu meant any ill will by saying it!" Arthur slowly raised his voice hoping that the clarity of it would bring Natsumi back to her senses.

But it didn't, Arthur's voice only added fuel to the fire like a bucket of oil being added to a firestorm. For a moment Natsumi mustered the strength to pull her eyes away from Yushirou's forcing them upon Arthur like wicked hail. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down." Natsumi nipped baring her teeth like a snarling wolf. "How would you feel if someone asked you to kill your last bit of family? You wouldn't feel too good about it would you."

It only took Arthur moments to get over his initial shock, quickly being overrun by anger. Even though he liked Natsumi, and appreciated the new world she had shown him. He was growing tired of her arrogance and ignorance towards everyone else's feelings regarding the matter. Because just like her he was also sacrificing everything. "How would I feel?" Arthur asked repeating the phrase, and holding the words in his mouth like heated steel. "How can you ask me how would I feel, even though I am sacrificing just as much as you..."

Natsumi's cold glare slowly crawled back reverting her gaze to its usual softness.

"You're being a cunt." Arthur said bluntly "A matter of fact a total cunt. You go on constantly about Ren and Jack, and how you've sacrificed so much. And don't get me wrong you definitely have. But have you forgotten that there are just as many people in this battle who have things to sacrifice just like you?" Arthur asked "Just like you this battle is going to take everything from me! My reputation, my family, and potentially my own life. But I am willing to sacrifice those things because I believe it is the right thing to do."

"Even if it means going against my better judgement, or even turning my back against the man who raised me. Sometimes peace is something greater than just us." Arthur told Natsumi boldly "But I also believe that line of thinking might be the biggest difference between the two of us. I am willing to walk forward and leave everything behind for the greater good. You are willing to walk forward and take away everything without sacrificing anything in return, not for the greater good but your own personal reasons..."

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