Chapter 86: Ashes and Blood

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This dream was similar to the last

Ren stood aimlessly staring at the world around him. His eyes had widened, and his face remained pale.

This was not the future that he wanted.

This was not the future he sought.

But all that stood before him was absolute Hell.

With a thunderous explosion the world around him rumbled bringing forth tremors that shook the Earth itself.

"..." With a silent stare Ren simply stood, too frightened to do anything. To frightened to say anything, and to frightened to think anything

Around him people screamed and ran for their lives trying to clear the area as fast as possible.

But deep down Ren knew it would be pointless.

There was no point in running if you'd be caught in the crossfire.

There was no point in running if the only thing destined for you was your death.

And with that in mind Ren stood, his jaw still dropped from the impossible sight before him.

Even though it was miles away anyone would be able to see it.

Even though it was miles away it still remained the symbol of peace in the world. The symbol that ensured that justice would always prevail.

The Hero Association building...

But now it no longer stood, but crumbled at Ren's feet, and with it a wave of destruction that would wipe out the entire city.

Explosions of both rubble and dust shot forward covering the streets with a god forsaken fog. A fog toxic enough to pollute the lungs of those caught in its path, and powerful enough blow anyone to bits.

To move forward would be dangerous. Even from miles away Ren could feel massive powers colliding, and with it a flurry of sparks that would erupt into the air. Ren narrowed his eyes watching everything take place, it was clear a battle was occurring. One between Pro Heroes and some unknown opposing force.

Ren took a step forward, his body slowly being drawn towards the fight in the distance. A fight so dangerous that anyone that intervened would surely be killed. But still Ren walked feeling himself drawn to the perpetrator of devastation.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Immediately Ren felt a tug at both sides of his shirt. One on the left from Dustin, and one on the right from Suzume. They both shared a look of shock, Dustin seeming more frightened while Suzume more baffled.

Even while pulled on by them Ren still felt the desire to move forward.

"REN!" Once again Dustin's voice reached Ren's ears reminding him of the impending doom. But still Ren couldn't accept his reality.

"This shouldn't be happening." Ren felt his body begin to move, being forcibly pulled by his two closest friends.

After a few seconds a orchestra of sounds melded in his ears. Screaming voices, roaring sirens, the rumbling of the Earth and much more...

All of it flowed into Ren's mind, once again reminding him that this reality was the truth. That this outcome was inevitable.

It was time for the Era of Heroes to end, and this was only the beginning.

With strong strides the three of them ran only watching the impeding black cloud crawl behind them. Followed with a shocking laughter.


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