Chapter 195: Like Our Fathers

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"A God of Destruction?" Nyssa's interest was moderately piqued. "Sounds tacky."

"The name itself isn't what's important. What's important is understanding the nature of what we really are." Itsuki raised his finger, showing Nyssa purple scales.

"You're..." Nyssa's eyes grew, becoming alert.

"Just like you." Itsuki narrowed his voice like two walls closing in. "There are very few people like us in this world Nyssa. They say Dragons are born only every couple hundred years. But in this generation three dragons exist."

Itsuki lifted two of his fingers, creating a trifecta. "There's you. Then Erica. And finally me. It's the first time in history more than a single person possesses the innate ability to transform into a dragon. Why do you think that is?"

Nyssa folded her lips. She appeared a bit puzzled. "Coincidence?"

"Lineage." Itsuki corrected.

Nyssa's mind immediately started drawing lines. She inherited her dragon transformation from her mother. But that wouldn't explain how Itsuki had his.

"Who are you?" Nyssa asked again. "Are you Mama's brother or something?" Nyssa questioned but immediately discarded it. "No you can't be. You look nothing like Mama."

Nyssa observed Itsuki's appearance for a bit longer. The only thing he and Erica shared was their wild hair. Aside from that, they couldn't look any more different. Itsuki had purple hair that reminded Nyssa of wisterias. His eyes were red and bright like freshly lit coal.

Itsuki's red eyes reminded Nyssa of Ren's but didn't seem nearly as warm.

"Renny's eyes are filled with love. This man..." Nyssa frowned. "His eyes carry nothing but anger hate."

"Wait?" Nyssa stared into Itsuki's eyes again. She recalled Erica telling her that looking into someone's eyes is like peering into their soul. The soul is like a mirror, and this time Nyssa saw herself.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Itsuki frowned. He looked disappointed. He hoped his daughter wouldn't be a complete idiot.

"No." The truth made Nyssa feel sick to her stomach. "I think I figured it out. You're my father aren't you?"

Nyssa wondered who her father was for years. She'd see other kids at school with both of their parents. But for some reason, her family was always different. Erica would be the one waiting for her after her classes, and if Erica weren't able to make it, then Ren or Ruriko would be there instead.

"Auntie Ruriko or Renny?" Nyssa often thought.

"No Papa..."

Nyssa had a lot of questions as a child. She saw things in a different light compared to other children her age. Why did the other kids have Papas of she didn't? Nyssa would ask Erica where her Papa was, and Erica's answer always would be the same.

You don't have a Papa.

Nyssa remembered Erica always sounding sad whenever she gave Nyssa an answer. Her expression looked as if she was battling a losing battle against a storm.

But that's okay, right? Mama has more love than two people combined.

Erica always healed Nyssa's troubled mind with hugs and kisses. The last thing she wanted was to make Nyssa feel like she's unloved. Nyssa was her everything. Without her, Erica would've given up on living a long time ago.

"Of course I knew that was a lie. It wouldn't be possible for me to be here without a Papa. But, it made things easier to pretend my Papa didn't exist. Because I knew remembering him caused Mama pain."

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