Chapter 180: Pillars

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"Does this mean I get to live with you for now on?" Manasa's eyes sparkled like gems. She couldn't contain her excitement.

Ren noticed this and cracked a smile. "Only if you'd want to."

"Ah! Well..." Manasa brought her hands together. "I would really want to..."

"Then it's settled you'll be living with all of us for now on." Maija rested her hand on Manasa's head and ruffled her hair.

"All of us?" Manasa questioned, her eyes growing in curiosity.

"Yeah all of us." Ren grinned. He was excited to introduce Manasa to his friends and family. How would they react?

Ren thought of Natsumi first. Natsumi had always been easygoing, so he figured she'd be fairly accepting of the news.

"But Nyssa..." Ren wasn't entirely sure how Nyssa would react. With Erica's death and the island's influence on Nyssa's dragon abilities. Nyssa had a lot going on in her life. Ren wasn't sure if Nyssa would even care.

She could really use someone around her age to talk to. Maybe even someone she could call a friend?

Ren looked at Manasa, noticing her bright smile. Ren could only describe it as a perfect smile. A smile so perfect he hoped it would never fade. "Manasa, could I ask you to do something for me?"

"Of course anything for you Tachi!" Manasa chimed.

"Could you..." Ren was a bit ashamed asking for help from a child. But he knew his options were limited; there was little he could do to alleviate Nyssa's pain. "...keep smiling?" Ren asked. His question sounded genuine and only made Manasa smile brighter.

"Like this?" Manasa questioned, and Ren gave her a thumbs up. "Perfect just like that!"

"Why do you want me to keep smiling Tachi? Does my smile make you happy?" Manasa was a girl of many questions. Like what her name suggests, Manasa only sought one thing, knowledge. By learning everything at a rapid rate, Manasa could fuel her mind and broaden her intelligence.

"It does actually." Ren couldn't reject an innocent child's smile. It was strange for Ren to admit he felt happy. With his current circumstance, Ren knew he shouldn't. Michael still was after him, and Erica had just died.

But, the sheer amount of tragedy playing a constant role in ruining Ren's life. For once, Ren wanted something to distract his mind and alleviate his pain.

Ren stared at Manasa and then Maija. Both of them were smiling happily and giggling amongst each other.

"My warrior, and my child..." Ren couldn't help but feel relieved they got along. He could only think of the infinite other ways this situation could have gone down.

If Maija wasn't around, Ren knew he would've rejected Manasa, which would've inevitably turned her into another Mei.

If Manasa wasn't around, Ren wouldn't have fulfilled Makoto's wish.

"Manasa, sometimes smiles can do miracles. Sometimes all someone needs is to see another person happy in order to feel happy." Ren thought of Natsumi, remembering all the things she sacrificed to give him a normal life. Then he thought about Erica and how Ren simply existing was more than enough to give her the strength to continue living.

"I..." Manasa tilted her head. "I don't follow."

Ren scratched his cheek, realizing he was too vague. "Um well..." Ren wasn't sure how to phrase it. "I'd like for you to smile for my sister's sake. She's been pretty bummed out lately and I think a smile like yours could do her some good!"

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