Chapter 14: Shackles

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A light tone rolled down the hall grabbing the attention of a young woman. The woman slowly turned and her sea blue eyes gleamed like diamonds.

The woman had sky blue hair and olive toned skin. Her skin was reminiscent of caramel syrup due to the brown texture. Her long eyelashes fluttered as her gaze met with the young teen, and her lips formed into a soft smile.

As her lips churned upwards her scarred chin shifted as well making it seem as if it grew in size. Beside her was a picture of a young teen with raven black hair and blue eyes similar to her own.

"Sissie are you alright? I heard from Issho-Sensei that you were feeling ill"

The older woman lifted up her hand and raised it to her mouth letting out an entertained giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, it's just so funny seeing how worked up you've gotten recently Erica." She wiped the built up tears in her eyes and continued to smile beautifully.

Erica's cheeks grew in size as the moss-haired teen began to pout "Fine then I'll just stop visiting you then."

"I'm joking stop getting so angry."

"It's just been bugging me how your health has been recently."

Erica's brown eyes slanted as she stared at Irene "Especially now with your situation."

Irene's smile looked a bit saddened as she rubbed her hand against her enlarged stomach "You know Makoto has been throwing names at me left and right. I was a bit hesistant to choose one because names are important."

"They stick with you forever and they even define the person that you'll become." Her hand began to glow with a dark blue flame, the flames looked soft almost as if they'd soothe you instead of burn.

"But after what you said it gave me an idea of a name."


"Why that name?" Erica questioned.

"It's because even after I'm gone..."

"I'd like for my son to be someone who is loved even if I am not there to personally express it."

(Author's Note: The way how Ren's first name is written means "To be loved" or "One who yearns for love")




Autumn eyes reluctantly opened only to see a blank white ceiling in their view. Their vision blurred as they attempt to wipe the crust from the corner of their eyes, and ended up stopping and reversing into a state of shock.

The person shifted out from beneath the covers and placed their fingers gently against their skin. The tip of the finger dampened due to the liquid escaping from their eyelid and let out an innocent sigh.

"It haunts me like a never ending curse."



The woman stood up and slammed her fist onto the desk causing the alarm to break. Within a single moment the ringing stopped, and the room remained silent. She tipped her head forward and slid her hands through her hair pulling it back in a thick pony tail and revealing a tattoo on the back of her neck. It was written in Japanese characters but it seemed to be too old fashioned to read.

She glanced down at her watch noticing it was half past 6, and once again let out a fragile sigh.

A bit of time passed and the crackling of a flame could be heard from the kitchen. Oil popped upwards as bacon sizzled against a flat iron skillet.

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon