Chapter 83: A Memory Of Threads Part 2

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"Zhu Li..."

"Do you think it will ever be possible where the people of this world will experience true freedom."

Irene's voice was like glass, as if ready to break at any moment.

Zhu Li raised her head wearing a suspicious gaze. It was a bit odd for Irene to ask her something like this, especially after everything they've done. To be hesitant now on their goal would mean everything that they've accomplished and all the people who have died for this dream would've been for nothing.

"..." Zhu Li's brow furrowed "Why are you asking me this?" Zhu Li asked in a sharp tone "Are you having second guesses now?"

"No no, of course not." Irene laughed before looking on with a narrow smile "I've just been thinking about this journey that you and I embarked on."

Zhu Li listened slightly thinking over Irene's words "Our journey..." Zhu Li averted her gaze staring downwards and thinking back at her time at the Temple. It had been years since she and Irene left the Temple with the desire to become heroes.

After everything that has happened with their respective trials and tribulations Zhu Li had forgotten how much time had passed.

Zhu Li folded her hands and eventually raised her head "Has it already been fifteen years?" She proceeded to shake her head in disbelief, unable to accept it as reality. It only seemed like yesterday that the both of them were sparring on the Temple's cliffs.

Zhu Li smiled somewhat, holding a deep fondness for that memory.

"Things were easier back then. Back when we had little things to worry about, and simply dreamed about seeing the rest of the world." After some time Zhu Li turned taking a long look at her old friend only to see how brutal the years have been to her.

Irene looked worn and tired, having long silver streaks interwoven within her blue hair. To Zhu Li it looked as if Irene had aged twice as fast.

"It really has been fifteen years..." Zhu Li thought finally accepting it as the truth. They've been fighting for over a decade with seemingly no end in sight. Zhu Li let out a tiresome sigh at the thought. Of course she was still fairly young only being 33 at this point, but even though she was still in her prime, Zhu Li wasn't entirely sure how much longer Irene would last. She had been sick for awhile now, and it only got worse after giving birth to Renji.

"Would she even live long enough to see her dream come true, and if she didn't would she even care?"

Zhu Li was quickly pulled from her thoughts when she heard the clicking of a lighter. She quickly glanced over only to see Irene smoking, something she did quite often. After letting out a huff of smoke Irene sat beside Zhu Li joining her at the bar. "Have you ever thought about what you wanted to do, you know after all of this?"

Zhu Li stared up for a moment, she never really gave much thought towards her future. Growing up she always assumed she'd become a hero, but now after that dream was derailed she wasn't entirely sure what was in store for her. "Dunno, I never really thought about it. I always assumed i'd get killed or something before I even have the chance to consider it."

Irene tilted her head before looking away "What about having a Family?"

"Eh?" Zhu Li rose a brow "Fuck no."

"Huh? Why not, you love kids you get along with Natsumi and Ren pretty well." Irene laughed "That's because you always ditch me with them!" Zhu Li snapped "So I might as well be nice to them or they'll just whine all the time!"

Irene's laugh then grew louder "Ah I love my babies, aren't they the best!"

"Your son shit on me last time I held him." Zhu Li mumbled before sharing a glance with Irene. The two stared at each other for a moment before laughing simultaneously.

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