Chapter 87: Lineage

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"Family..." Ren repeated these words to himself slowly still not believing it. There was little reason for him to accept Mei's words. To view them as the absolute truth considering that all Mei has ever done was find ways to fuck him over.

So why would this be any different.

Ren let out a tiresome sigh, but still remained calm. He really was sick of all of this, his life was already hard and with each passing day something new always came up to make it more difficult.

"What are you doing here Mei." The answer was obvious but Ren's mind remained in denial.

Mei's face narrowed, for a moment even she seemed a bit confused. She thought she made her intentions well known, but it seems like her answer wasn't satisfactory enough.

"For you of course." Her response was short and simple "Isn't it normal for someone to want to help their family."

Ren felt his brows furrow.

She said it again, that word. The one word that irritated Ren each time it came out of Mei's mouth. It didn't matter what context Mei said it in, each time felt less meaningful than the last. As if the connotation behind Family had little meaning to her.

"Tch..." Ren's hand tightened forming a fist birthed by anger "Stop saying that."

Even with Ren's clear distaste for the word. His distaste for their familial connection Mei's smile never faded. Instead she remained calm gazing at him like a shadow in the night.

"Why would I stop? Don't you think it's time you learn the truth Renji." With a single step forward Mei could feel Ren's anger swell. Like a wave of heat exploding in the darkness. There was something about that heat that intrigued her as if rekindling the passion in her heart. "To learn the truth about who you are, about our family."

"Stop saying that!" Finally Ren snapped, he had enough.

Enough of her mind games.

Enough about her comments, and enough about her promises.

"You aren't my family. I don't care if we are related by blood, you've been nothing but a thorn in my fucking side."

There was a long silence after those words.

Mei's grin had long faded, now being replaced with a thin frown.

It was hard to tell if this was from anger, or just being dissatisfied with Ren's answer. Regardless this was a side of Mei that no one wanted to see. "A thorn in your side? If I recall correctly I've done nothing but what you desired."

"When you faced down Seth it was Erica who wished for me to stop the fight. But I didn't I understood your desire to prove to Seth that you were better than him."

"You asked me to help you save Nyssa, and work alongside the other Heroes. I tried to do that by ending her life, but Erica stopped me." Mei's tone didn't change in the slightest, she held little to no regards for Nyssa's life. "By ending her life perhaps she wouldn't be suffering as much as she is now. But like I said before Erica prevented me from doing that."

"And even now, when Erica refuses to tell you everything. I am here to finish the job that she started." Mei peered at Ren watching his breaking expression. "I have been nothing but kind to you Renji. I've never kept secrets from you, and have only spoken the truth."

"I am not the thorn in your side..."

"Erica is."

Something about that comment was infuriating for Ren. Erica has done nothing but been kind to him, and has acted as the Mother he never had similar to what Natsumi had done when he was younger.

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