Chapter 92: New Suit

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"There is no way..."

Ren shook his head, still in a state of disbelief.

"You're telling me the best costume designer in Vermillion City is this kid." Ren blinked a few times as if not expecting this to be an illusion. But it was far from it, the sight before him was reality.

"The best designer in Vermillion City?" A light blush appeared on Benny's face "Oh geez I didn't expect you to butter me up that much!"

"This kid is totally oblivious..." Ren rubbed his face somewhat "I can't believe a child is going to be the one to make my costume..."

"You know you are probably the tenth person who's said that to me." Benny admitted, still wearing a golden smile. He didn't seem much different than any kid around his age, although he spoke a bit more elegant than most preteens. "I don't get why everyone is so surprised by my talents

Ren stared at Benny for a moment completely baffled "...ITS BECAUSE YOU LOOK FUCKING TEN!" Ren screamed.

Benny soon cleared his throat "Actually I am 12 1/2, thank you very much. Besides my Mom tells me I am quite mature for my age." Benny said correcting Ren.

"Whatever whatever, still doesn't change the fact that you're a child." Ren then sighed "Olivia are you fucking with me again? There is no way this little kid made your costume."

Olivia quickly sat down and crossed her legs "Nah I am not messing with ya. Benny actually is the real deal." Olivia then placed her arm beneath her chin and gave Benny a light stare "Benny may be a brat, but he's pretty smart he's helped some of the pro heroes out when it comes to improving their abilities with gear."

"Really even the pros huh..." Ren took a moment to think over the situation. He took a final look at Benny, there was nothing about him that stood out, well aside from that smug smile of his. Even though he was young the smile he wore was brimming from confidence, surely he was well adverse in his craft.

"Fine...I'll give him a shot."



Benny gave Ren a simple glare before repeating himself "No, I have no intention in helping out a customer as rude as you." Benny clicked his watch and his backpack formed mechanical arms and crawled onto his back like a spider, and soon handed him an apple.

"Wait what? I need your help though, I need a new hero costume or else I won't be allowed to patrol!" Ren shouted.

"Well you should have thought of that before insulting me." Benny scoffed taking a bite out of the apple and turning away. "Besides if you couldn't tell its recess and this is going to be the last chance I have to take a bathroom break before lunch."

"I hate this kid..."

"I'm sorry Benny, that was rude of me. I shouldn't have expected less of you because of your age." Ren shook his head "But you are the only one I can rely on, based on what Olivia told me not a single designer in his city is as quick and efficient as you."

Benny stopped walking towards the door. It seemed like Ren's words got to him.

Olivia shifted her gaze as well eager for his response. She was already familiar with Benny's tendencies, and had a pretty good idea what to expect.

"..." Benny took another bite from his apple.

"Hm, I suppose it would be difficult to decline you now after you've buttered me up so much."

"For some reason I really don't like the way he says that..." Ren thought.

"But I will only make a costume for you on two conditions." Benny demanded.

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