Chapter 56 : Anger

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"That should be it." Dustin spoke in a light tone as he placed a variety of items in a box.

He stared at the box for a moment, carefully examining to make sure everything that needed to be there was there. 

He pulled a folded up sheet of paper from his pocket before once again scanning the list to make sure everything was there.

After a few seconds he nodded and raised the box up only to struggle while doing so.

"Would you like some help?"

Dustin looked over only to see a Nurse staring back at him.

"Nah no thanks, I spent a lot of money on this I'd hate for something to get broken."

The Nurse frowned somewhat, as a layer of concern over took his face "Are you sure, it looks kinda heavy?"

Dustin once again rejected his offer, shaking head in response "Nah I am good, although..."

"Do you have any idea where room 238 is?" 

The Nurse paused somewhat glancing around the room before noticing a directory sign "Yeah, just take the elevator down the hall, once you go to the 4th floor it should be the fourth room on the right."  

"Alright thanks!" Dustin spoke happily as he wobbled down the halls.


"Room 232"

"Room 234"

"Room 236"

"Ah here it is..." 

Dustin stopped in front of the room briefly before looking down at his box. It was decorated fairly well, with intricate drawings of a Phoenix along the sides.

Inside of the boxes were a variety of items, food, flowers, and even some sort of portable gaming system. 

"I hope Ren likes it, I spent a lot of money gathering this stuff together..." Dustin thought to before entering the room.

He continued to stand in front of the door for a bit seemingly mustering up the courage to walk in. He hadn't seen Ren for a few days now, he had heard from his dad that his injuries were pretty bad and wasn't able to attend school because of it.

"This probably wouldn't have happened if I went with him instead of Nadine..."

"Hopefully this make up for it..."

With a final step Dustin quickly swung open the door, once again bringing energy to the room with his usual glee filled smile.

"Hey Ren I just want to stop by to see-"

and Immediately he stopped...

All the positive thoughts he had disappeared within an instant, leaving nothing but a grey and calloused face.

"What the fuck?"

Dustin's eyes blanked as he watched Ren laying in the hospital bed gluttonously as Suzume fed him jello from a spoon.

The first one to react to Dustin's untimely presence was Suzume, who immediately stopped only to meet his awakened gaze.

"Huh? Suzume why did you stop?" Ren opened his eyes and adjusted his posture only to see Dustin staring at him.

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