Chapter 133: Chilly Memories Part 1

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"There's no time to explain I have to leave." Jack looked on at Jacen with eyes as fragile as ice as if ready to shatter with a single touch. Along with the rest of his body. During the passing week Jack's condition had gotten considerably worse. His hair was beginning to lose all it's color turning it into a faded blue, while his skin slowly followed suit becoming a palish blue.

"Jacen!" Jack staggered shivering nonstop as he licked his frozen lips "Let me through." Without waiting for an answer Jack pushed forward only to be blocked by Jacen's chest when he shifted to the side.

"Jack you need to lay back down. Dr. Ardyn already said you aren't going to get any better if you keep pushing yourself like this." Nana added approaching the two behind with a concerned frown. "You're going to end up killing yourself." Nana had known Jack for a long time now, even before joining Lupus. She remembered seeing him every now and then during their time at Home. Back then he was like a puppet. Emotionless, cold, and would only speak when told.

For Nana seeing Jack like this filled her body paradoxical emotions. Leaving her feeling unsure if she should be happy that he has come so far from being the puppet he was back then. Or if she should be stricken by grief that his immature mind cannot handle the emotions he has obtained.

Nana watched Jack carefully with a cramped frown reducing its size a little more the longer she saw Jack fidget past Jacen "Jack..." she called from the softness of her voice "Please just get back in the bed. You're just going to end up hurting yourself-"

"It doesn't matter Nana!" Jack shouted lashing out on her like an avalanche "My health isn't the main issue here, it's Natsumi."

"Natsumi?" Jacen and Nana shared a look before returning to Jack "What are you talking about? What's wrong with Natsumi?" Nana raised a brow puzzled while Jacen kept his silent glare. This wasn't the first time Jack has said something like this. A week earlier right before experiencing something that could only be described as a heart attack. Jack mentioned hearing a voice in his head before screaming "He is going to destroy everything!" and immediately passing out.

At the time no one understood what Jack meant. Even after waking up Jack had no recollection of saying those words.

"Oh my god!" Jack shouted his face turning red in anguish "How many times do I have to repeat myself? There isn't enough time, Natsumi's in trouble and I have to help her!" Nana took slow steps towards Jack, steps so slow you'd think she was walking on ice. "Jack?" Nana once again called appealing to his young and impressionable mind. "What makes you think Natsumi's in trouble?"

"Cause I felt it." Jack touched his chest gripping it so hard you'd think he was going to tear it open "She is scared and in pain, and needs me to help her."

This "Feeling" that Jack had wasn't new. Nana had overheard Jack talking to Natsumi about it once before. That at times mainly when Natsumi was bothered by something, Jack was somehow able to sense it as well. Same applied vice versa, at times when Jack was stressed or experiencing his usual night terrors Natsumi would experience them as well. Leaving her to have restless nights.

After remembering this Nana hesitated to take another step forward. Second guessing her thoughts and exchanging them for foreign ones. "Are you sure?" Despite Jack's eyes looking heavier than bricks, the intensity of them was more than enough for an answer. She had known Jack long enough to know he wouldn't lie about something like this. Natsumi was his everything, and had taken care of them since being freed from Home. Her safety was always his number one priority even if it meant going against his superior's better judgement. Like when he delivered a fatal blow to Erica despite receiving orders to not get involved and scout the area.

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